Anyone yet to be convinced of the urgent need to cut Britain's benefits bill only has to look at today's goverment figures.

A staggering £22 million is spent on handouts an HOUR. An unsustainable £47.6 billion in just three months.

The sheer weight of welfare spending threatens to sink efforts to cut the deficit, the primary goal of the coalition goverment.

David Cameron has repeatedly promised sweeping reforms.
He's fond of head line grabbing plans, such as stopping housing benefit for the young.

But they're just ideas, he knows anything so radical will be torpedoed, just like the minimum £ 26k to bring in a partner from outside European Union by his Lib Dem partners.

That's why after two years in power the bill is still soaring.

Along with the eye watering borrowing needed to pay it

Reference The Sun July 21 2012