Totally agree with Dedworth
Its nothing to do with being unsympathetic and being one the 'Im alright Jack' brigade
Morally whats wrong with being able to stand on your own and pay your own way in the world without relying on others to put there hand in there pocket.
Goodness, its like me going out and buying a Porsche on finance and then expect others to pay the monthly instalments.
The idea of the minimum wage amount is to relieve the public purse of some pressure not, inflict misery.
The reason I posted this thread was because I was actually shocked to learn (apologies, im being my ignorant self again) that the goverment has to borrow to pay its commitments ie Benefits
How on earth can this country sustain that amount of debt before, like Greece before, the brown stuff hits the fan?
This country, going by what ive read today is going down the tubes for future generations to come....what a tragic tragic read
There was brown nose brown saying for years about being prudent..the man doesn't know the meaning of the word at least, not until it came to his own personal money.
The half billion a year saving on handouts by making minimum wage of £18k is just going to be a drop in the ocean compared to our deficit.
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