Wow ! There's me thinking fat people are unhealthy, and mostly unhappy . Drinking alcohol to excess and smoking are also not illegal for adults, but I also don't think they're good for health. There's an " epidemic " of obesity, inactivity, and alcohol abuse in the UK. This costs OUR NHS - taxpayer funded - an unsustainable amount, not to mention cost to the individual and their loved ones.
I don't make judgements on lifestyle choices - whether age gap in a relationship, diet, exercise, drinking, smoking, legal sexual preferences, or even illegal drug abuse. Illness should not be stigmatised because of its cause(s). I can't dictate - on a forum where I don't know most members - what their lifestyle should be.
What I have done during my membership of the forum is to give information on health matters which is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Members may ignore, take note, or disagree ( with their evidence for doing so ).
My point in this thread is only that - in my humble opinion - members in ANY relationship, regardless of age difference, should try to look after their health. Surely that is beyond argument. If members disagree, it's time I left the forum !