More than a third of men over 75 confess to feeling lonely.
36% who live alone are unhappy and spend more than 12hr a day on their own..
They are likely to be more lonely than women, but are much less likely to confide in friends and family about feelings.
The findings by the age charity WRVS, also highlight how elderly men are socially isolated. I cant see the sight of a 18yo filipina on his arm is gonna do him any harm whatsoever to his social standing going by the age charities findings.
The main cause of loneliness for older men was death of a partner 62% followed by losing companions their own age 54%.
More than one in five 21% said they didn't leave the house for days and 9% said they no longer ate properly.
One in eight said they worried about mental health because they had no one to talk to.
' A seventy year old being with a 18yo is unhealthy'..Given the age charity WRVS findings, I'd certainly take a chance
You know it makes sense
Reference my trusty Daily Mail July 26 2012
I'm with you Terpe, we all remember the public outcry at Anna Nicole Smith and J. Howard Marshall
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
I'm not with anyone in particular, but IF I was whatever people consider 'OLD', 'past it' etc and the opportunity arose whereby I could be shacked up with a much younger lady, who for some reason found that living with me met her needs, then I hardly think I'd care what other people thought.
I don't even care my youthful 60 years.
Hmm, daughters marrying old blokes is different if you're a Brit, but a Filipino father ?
I think it's really UK/Fil relationships we're talking about here, after all.
I guess at the end of the day it is all about compatability and what suits you. If you are older and fall for a beautiful Filipina then it is all good. The thing is that we all judge without knowing.
My wife often says to me when we are out that she can hear whispers of people saying about 'oh look at her with her white boyfriend' which makes me laugh as no one knows we are married. We publiclly show affection for one another, which doesn't seem to be the 'norm' But then when we are out with our son, the whispers stop and the coo'ing starts when they see us all together.
My wife is 16 years younger, but really.. who cares.
The example I gave of Anna Nicole Smith was more than probably a gold digging act, seen by the western world as something abhorrent. Stereotypically, we judge everyone without knowing it. But we all have needs and it's no one elses business if we find happiness/love with someone of a different age.
But if I had a daughter, I maybe I would like to give my opinion to think about her actions.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
There's a line to be drawn there somewhere, but where exactly it lays is debatable. Ask 100 people and you would get a 100 different perspectives on the subject....
were not talking about lonely people on here?? we are talking about a LARGE AGE GAP !! in layman's term a generation gap of about 40 to 50 years difference.
now, if you are referring about a man who needs companion in life ,..they shoulds seek a carer not a wife i right?? its not fair for a woman to looked after a man thinkin she has a husband and the husband thinks he has a carer ey ??![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
Society doesnt like circumstances when they are outside the box....and in the short term tends to have a fixed mindset.
Recent radio discussion program on large age gap relationships:
Look at women's skirts 100 years ago. What if a woman ran around in a skirt above the knee back then? Why is it acceptable now but not then? Flashing an ankle then was a big deal when flashing all else now is acceptable to many. Why might a 40 yo age gap be unacceptable now? Why is it acceptable that a woman can show her face in the UK but not in many places in the middle east? Why is a 40 year age gap acceptable to some and not others and why more acceptable in some societies and not others?
if you're 70 plus and looking for love and companionship its odds on you're going to be lonely.
Terpe was expressing the feelings of a western father..somewhat different from a Filipino papa.
My wife is 22 years younger than me and she accepts the fact that one day my wheels will, as sure as eggs are eggs, will fall off. She knows she will have the responsibility of my welfare..this is something we had discussed at great length before we married. Really, this is not an issue for her.
Why shouldn't the 70yo be allowed to love matter what the age difference.
Carers dont come cheap, not for anyone..perhaps the cost of your house which has been the case for many here.
Better to find a loving caring Filipina..and give her your house etc instead of leaving to ungrateful absent family, until you die of course or leave to the latest grabbing goverment of the day
My thinking too.![]()
... problem IS ... if a 20-something, slip of a girl marries someone over 65, say
- she's liable to find "old age
creeping upon her"
in the middle of the night!
As I said....we're all different.
I have two comments to make...
1. Those who live in glass houses...
2. My father in law calls me "bro" and prefers me to call him that, too...
100% of men sharing my birthday and my home address agree with me!
Thank you guys for sharing each and everyone's views & opinion with regards to the topic i postedI wholeheartedly respect whatever your views and opinions are. As for me, it isn't the age difference or similarity that makes a relationship work or fail, it's the age the partners act in trying to keep the relationship together (or in wrecking it). Some young folks are old beyond their years, some old folks are immature, some don't act their age ever. The important thing is to enjoy every moment you're going to spend together with your partner and to heck with what other people say
Age doesn't matter at all. As long as everything is consentual and the person is at least of emotional maturity then I'd say it's fine
Well, your posts are certainly very mature.
I think you would be just too mature for me.![]()
On the flipside, a beautiful and passionate filipina partner is enough to make any man of any age feeling full of vigor and young also![]()
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
Behave yourself Steve.![]()
Originally Posted by ;377351
If I might be permitted to do so, Ann ... I'd like to express my appreciation of your philosophical maturity.
Such wise words from someone so young, are truly impressive. And - without intending to offend anyone else - your command of English grammar would put many British people to shame! Unusually, you exhibit a degree of commonsense befitting a person well beyond your tender years; one who is clearly aware of the direction in which she is headed.
Last edited by raynaputi; 13th October 2012 at 17:36.
Pass the bucket, I've come over nauseous
As for the states Joe...I was reading paper at the time and came across the said sort of fitted in quite well with the theme of the thread.
With Graham's picture of those two just goes to show....genes mean much more than people think...Graham's post of the fitness guru and the cook is a perfect example![]()
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