Well, I have just done a double take - a Filipino friend, having glanced at my sister in law's FB page, made a remark about
"teenagers getting out of control if they have access to hard drinks" - the picture (admittedly blurry) was of my mahal, clowning about, fag in one hand, brandy in the other!
So here am I, in my late fifties, being accused, by a Pinoy friend, of "cradle snatching" a teenager...
Kay is actually just shy of thirty - but so slim and so drop dead gorgeous that Pinoy friends think she's a T-bird and foreign friends thinnk she might be a ladyboy!
I don't actually care, because we are both as happy as Larry, but coming to the serious point, there is always going to be a time in any May and September relationship when December happens - the older partner, having rattled along happily for years, falls off his (less often her) trolley and quite suddenly becomes old and infirm.
It's grossly unfair on the younger partner to expect him, or, more usually, her, to have to turn, in her forties, say, into an unpaid carer for the feeble minded, incontinent, wheelchair bound, older partner.
I think one has to plan for this.