More than a third of men over 75 confess to feeling lonely.

36% who live alone are unhappy and spend more than 12hr a day on their own..

They are likely to be more lonely than women, but are much less likely to confide in friends and family about feelings.

The findings by the age charity WRVS, also highlight how elderly men are socially isolated. I cant see the sight of a 18yo filipina on his arm is gonna do him any harm whatsoever to his social standing going by the age charities findings.
The main cause of loneliness for older men was death of a partner 62% followed by losing companions their own age 54%.

More than one in five 21% said they didn't leave the house for days and 9% said they no longer ate properly.

One in eight said they worried about mental health because they had no one to talk to.

' A seventy year old being with a 18yo is unhealthy'..Given the age charity WRVS findings, I'd certainly take a chance

You know it makes sense

Reference my trusty Daily Mail July 26 2012