Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
were not talking about lonely people on here?? we are talking about a LARGE AGE GAP !! in layman's term a generation gap of about 40 to 50 years difference.
now, if you are referring about a man who needs companion in life ,..they shoulds seek a carer not a wife ..am i right?? its not fair for a woman to looked after a man thinkin she has a husband and the husband thinks he has a carer ey ??
if you're 70 plus and looking for love and companionship its odds on you're going to be lonely.

Terpe was expressing the feelings of a western father..somewhat different from a Filipino papa.

My wife is 22 years younger than me and she accepts the fact that one day my wheels will, as sure as eggs are eggs, will fall off. She knows she will have the responsibility of my welfare..this is something we had discussed at great length before we married. Really, this is not an issue for her.

Why shouldn't the 70yo be allowed to love anymore...no matter what the age difference.

Carers dont come cheap, not for anyone..perhaps the cost of your house which has been the case for many here.

Better to find a loving caring Filipina.. and give her your house etc instead of leaving to ungrateful absent family, until you die of course or leave to the latest grabbing goverment of the day