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Thread: Hello Kababayan!

  1. #1
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Smile Hello Kababayan!

    Hi ya! My name is singkit. I'm new here in the forum as well as in the UK. No friends, no job, no relatives But I have my husband with me who is very supportive, loving and understanding He's british, by the way. Being new in the UK is not easy for me. Most of the times, I can't help myself being lonely. I miss my parents, sisters, brother, nieces and nephews. Indeed, there is no place like Philippines. Good thing I found your website Am feeling better now. I don't see many filipinos here in Leeds. I wonder how busy they are at work. I only see many Pakistanis and Indians all the time. But filipinos...I've seen four of them since I got here ( just got here 5 months ago). If you'll ask me how am I doing in this country, well I am a bit disappointed. I couldn't find a job inspite of the many applications I've tried. Not even as a cleaner or housekeeper. Just wanna ask if someone from here knows about NIC (National Insurance Contribution) How to get one. When and Where? Somebody already told us that I have to get a job first before they can issue me one but the problem is I cannot get a job. Please help. I appreciate it in advanced.

  2. #2
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    I think you have to be working here for 2 years before you can claim any health benefits! Also you have to be married for 2 years before you can permenantly stay here in England. Your Husband signed up to provide all financial support for you in the Fiancee Visa and letter he would have provided you for your Fiancee Visa. Just search the forum and you will find most of the answers you need.

    Take Voluntary work in a Charity shop or similar to get a good referance, find out how to write a good CV Curriculum Vitae about yourself.

    Maybe I am wrong but I am sure others in here will correct me if I am!

    My Anilyn will have to find a job, and she is happy to do so, I suspect the wages she will expect will be lower than she thinks, but that is no different to most UK residents living here. Try buying or renting a house on one wage, it is difficult.

    There are plenty of Barrio Festivals scattered across the country, reasearch the Internet and you will find a place to meet people from your own country and culture.

    Good Luck!!


    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  3. #3
    Member mamichris's Avatar
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    hi singkit! i was in the same situation as you when i first arrived here in england. it was very difficult to adjust and luckily we have husbands who are very supportive of us.
    if you don't have restrictions to work here, you have to get an NI apply for it, you have to provide them a proof that you have been applying for jobs... proofs such as letters from employers accepting or even rejecting your application will do. that's how my sister managed to get an NI number. Once you get an NI number, it will be a lot easier to apply for work, coz as you know majority of employers now require this.
    hope this helps...take care. chrissy

  4. #4
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Hi singkit more or less we arrived in this country the same month.I had the same problem as well when I arrived here first,damn freezin cold.I kept crying because apart from my husband i had no one to talk to unlike PI we could chat to our neighbors all day longand we could visit friends as well for mall hopping and relatives visits us for no special occasion.we`re just to dependent in each other in PI which is quite opposite here as neighbors mind their own businesses and they are all gone by day for work and by night they`re all tired.when I looked at our bay window it seems that its a ghost town to me no ones outside but they`re are lots of cars park at cant see people walking or sitting outside their houses unlike PI you could even see men drinking beer and kids playing outside.its really totally different place from where we live.but mind you I managed to survive it take sometime to get use to it singkit.Believe me you`ll be okey!am still not working at present but I think I am quite okey now compared to the first few months which is so horrible feeling.Specially I am not used to countryside.But They`re countryside is different from ours,because when you say Countryside in PI its kinda isolated but here you have all the things you need.They have they`re Library and it helps me a lot if sometimes am a bit bored i go there to borrow books and also in their countryside they have small shops and church and everything for you just chill and relax you`ll get used to it.Promise!
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  5. #5
    gingxrick's Avatar
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    Hi Singkit, To get your N I number just phone the job centre for appointment taking with you photo copys of jobs you have applied for and they will arrange for you to have a NI number. good luck on finding a job. Ricky and Gingx2

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    We have a one uses ........and if all the folk PM'd there Skype usernames to each other, you can talk all day.....and cost us hard working men bugger all

    (DO NOT publish Skype names on a public forum, you'll get spam)
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my wife was here in the uk more than a year b4 she found a job, she applied for maybe 100 online and ones advertised in newspapers, she went for maybe 4 or 5 interviews, and finally was offered a job working 5 hrs a day for the nhs, there are many types of jobs you could apply for, cooking, cleaning, admin, support etc in hospitals, and thats one place you will find pinoys, at the hospital where my wife works, there are at least 100+ nurses who work there..

    you just got to keep applying and you will be offered a job in the end,, you've too much time on your hands

    good luck thou, my wife likes it here, she dont miss the sunshine at all, and doesn't want to go back the the philippines, and shes been here more than 2 years.. of course she misses her family thou..

  8. #8
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    hi singkit, i know how you feel i've been here only for 7 months and though im busy with work i still feel homesick. as for your job hunting do not give up why dont you try applying in a nursing somewhere in your area. there seems to be a shortage for care assistants thats the reason why they sometimes have to resort to hiring people from other countries such as the philippines. you dont have to worry as filipino carers have good reputation for being hardworking so hindi mo na kailangan na mag paimpress pa during interview. just be yourself. as for you question about NIC just go to your local department of work and pensions office they would be able to assist you. best of luck and hope to hear some good new about your job hunting soon!!!!

  9. #9
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Many thanks to Silver13...Mamichris...Mrs Daddy...gingxrick...joebloggs...and...proud2bepinoy Thanks for making me feel welcomed. The true spirits of pinoy lives on however far they've been. Hospitality-friendly atmosphere I feel in this forum. I know I'm miles away from home but with you guys...thank God, I'm home! Sorry Win2win if this became a chatroom But without these people who replied to my queries, I wouldn't be so hopeful and cheerful as I am now.I promise I will post another message telling everyone that I got a job (sooner I hope) and will be counting my first salary/wages from my first jobThanks! Bye-bye!

  10. #10
    Newbie (Restricted Access) parooncat's Avatar
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    Hi there Singkit

    Being homesick sucks, I've been in the UK since I was 9 years old (im 30 now) and I still get homesick, I specially miss the food .

    Anyways I hope you feel better and if you need some to chat to just pm me or add me to your MSN (if you have one my addy is in my prof)

    BTW heres a link for the DWP and JobCentre Plus . I hope it helps you.

  11. #11
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    hi there singkit yan ang pinoy!! i know you can do it. will be waiting for your message announcing you finally got a job na. ingats and always remember 'pag may tiyaga may nilaga'...

  12. #12
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Hi singkit!
    I guess this is the right thread for me to reply to your question. you can take computerised bookkeeping by home study like ics. but if you prefer to have it in a different atmosphere so you can concentrate on studying, you can have it in a training center like pitman training. actually you can choose the software that you like. the latest right now is sage line 50 v.12. but before you take, you should study the british acctg standards first. although what we learned in phil has same concept as british, there are some differences. you can buy a bookkeeping book if you like. then research on the net for the nearest training center in your place. just ask me if you have more question.

  13. #13
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    Try to call this Jobcentreplus Telephone number 0845 600 0643 (8am - 6pm Monday to Friday).
    Before coming to UK, I always think about homesickness as my husband is a Long Distance HGV Driver who seldom goes home (once a month) But I was lucky to join him in his lorry for 2 months. That's made me happy since I have seen most of countryside from Southampton- Glasgow. After 2 months, I made my hubby a CV and helped him applied to other company and luckily he has a good job now and come home during weekends. We're both working now with same day-off.
    I wish you could find a job soon. For me it was hard to find a job before as you need to follow the British Standard I applied as Payroll Accountant but was failed because I need to take sage 50 although I had experience 3 yrs accountant, I applied IT Support and employer said I need a certificate of ECDL etc., I had job offered in Electronics which I had decade of experience but it's near London. Good pay but house rent is expensive
    I am planning to study while working

  14. #14
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Singkit and welcome to the forum. My wife Louella's aunt lives in Leeds and she is a nurse. She will be coming to visit us this weekend and I'll try to put you in touch with her if you've got a yahoo ID. I'm sure my wife would like to chat to you as well

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hi Singkit

    Finding a job is hardwork not sure if its already been suggested but have you applied with job agencies in your local area?
    Silver 13 advice to try a voluntary shop or work is very good advice which i would second.

    My Wife spend a few weeks working in a local charity shop, it gave her experience of working with English speaking people, also basic till work and retail skills.
    The other perk my wife found was she met a few Phills though the job, as they would walk past and either were going to shop there or walking past and started talking.
    The other good perk about voluntary work is normally you can pick and choose your hours to a point and when you find a better job don't need to give any notice. My wifes boss at the shop offered to help with CV and was happy to help her find a real job (due to the nature of the job they just want to help)

    Not sure about Leeds but coffe shops are good places to look for work, the pays not great but they have a high turnover of staff and some are used to people not always having a ni number so will accept passport with visa and proof of address. My Wife started in one, and moved on to another.

    At both became a supervisor with in six months Phills tend to be naturals at coffe shop work used to high pressure preparing of drinks and foods (how many parties, family events does the average Phill lady help out at as she grows up?) always polite and simling and happy to talk to anyone from a little kid to an eighty year old due to the social skills they learn with the big familes and groups of friends in phill.

    She nows works in a very well known clothes store with a discount while she studies for an ECDL.

    Don't give up on the job hunting stay strong, and let us all help you ok?

    It takes time to find a job but your hard work and patience will work out in the end

  16. #16
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    hi singkit here's my wife: sharing kami even un id name nya i can use in this forum anyway, welcome to england! I don't undesrtand why you can't find a job in Leeds co'z its a big place with lots of jobs i supposed i live near you and our place not many jobs as Leeds i guess and sabi mo konti lang pinoy nakikita mo dyan we go there every two months to go to the phil-thai shop you know that in harehills road? magsasawa ka sa pinoy dun hahaha but now since may pinoy shop near us now we dont don't go there anymore except in Leeds market for fish and vegetables Well, for sure makaka adjust ka rin dito specially your husband like me is so supportive as well I hope you can find a job soon good luck

  17. #17
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    hi pennybarry sorry to disturb you ( i share this id name with my husband ) ok lang sa kanya! I am from laguna too is that sta rosa in laguna too? thanks and good day? By the way, im from san pedro laguna originally

  18. #18
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    I missed this thread after posting week ago. I just wanna thank another set of people from this forum, giving me encouragement and some good luck Please let me thank these people namely: Hilda Danao, PennyBarry, IainBusby, AndyPaul, flomike and his wife. Thanks guys! I will do everything you just told me about finding a job. As of the good news yet. But I will...soon....I hope...Just so glad I feel am home in this forum.
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by singkit View Post

    Hi ya! My name is singkit. I'm new here in the forum as well as in the UK. No friends, no job, no relatives But I have my husband with me who is very supportive, loving and understanding He's british, by the way. Being new in the UK is not easy for me. Most of the times, I can't help myself being lonely. I miss my parents, sisters, brother, nieces and nephews. Indeed, there is no place like Philippines. Good thing I found your website Am feeling better now. I don't see many filipinos here in Leeds. I wonder how busy they are at work. I only see many Pakistanis and Indians all the time. But filipinos...I've seen four of them since I got here ( just got here 5 months ago). If you'll ask me how am I doing in this country, well I am a bit disappointed. I couldn't find a job inspite of the many applications I've tried. Not even as a cleaner or housekeeper. Just wanna ask if someone from here knows about NIC (National Insurance Contribution) How to get one. When and Where? Somebody already told us that I have to get a job first before they can issue me one but the problem is I cannot get a job. Please help. I appreciate it in advanced.
    Hi Singkit

    I remember my first year here still vividly, that is why I can still appreciate what I've come to achieve in this country. I felt all the the emotions you mentioned. I felt alienated from everyone else, and from being so confident in my own country because I had a good job (I'd say), to suddenly relying on my husband for everything, especially as being a breadwinner in the Phils I suddenly had to rely to my husband for everything (ALTHOUGH THAT IS WHAT HUSBANDS ARE FOR - isn't it hubbies out there?)

    Anyway, I decided I was going to start looking for a job, anything, and started working for Marks and Spencer store was like being demoted from what I used to do, but I had no choice if I wanted to get out there - learn to speak the language, understand the different accents - I had to be out there!! I did try agencies, but I found them not very helpful that in the end I said to the other guy on the phone 'you want someone with experience, how am I going to get one if you would not give it to me', to which he could not really give me a decent reply! Anyway, the job at M & S was quite enjoyable experience to me, and gave me a bit of self confident.... and then to cut a long story short I am much happier and contented at the moment where I am. So you see, in time, you will find something, don't lose hope and be positive, I believe there is something out there for you. By the way, I got my NI from Department of Social Security.

  20. #20
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    hey, Ate Lili,
    wot job did u do in the Phils - just out of interest . . .

    . . .

    it says in your profile, you do admin, so are you now working in an office instead of Marks N Sparks?

    just interested lol!


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    hey, Ate Lili,
    wot job did u do in the Phils - just out of interest . . .

    . . .

    it says in your profile, you do admin, so are you now working in an office instead of Marks N Sparks?

    just interested lol!

    The last job I had in Cebu was as Marketing Assistant.....

    Yep, I am working in an office now........

  22. #22
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    Im glad you like it Ate Lili!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    Im glad you like it Ate Lili!
    Cheers Tom, I will say goodnight now, and get some ermmmmmmmm beauty sleep as I have not got bags but suitcases under my eyes!!!

  24. #24
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    me too, and cheers for your advice on the PM!

    ur a really good Big Sister to me!

    you and Pea! lol!


  25. #25
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liliput39 View Post
    Hi Singkit

    So you see, in time, you will find something, don't lose hope and be positive, I believe there is something out there for you. By the way, I got my NI from Department of Social Security.
    Thanks Liliput! I'll take that advice Btw, did you just change your avatar? What happened Hello Kitty? Not taking a happy pill no more? Regards
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  26. #26
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  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Hi Singkit
    Been a while since we been on but me and my wife Yolly along with many other pinay live in Leeds, our yahoo is on profile chat sometime hu
    I'd rather regret something I tried which didn't work then regret not trying something at all

  28. #28
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    YOUR're welcome. Try to visit this site and you'll see almost all vacancy in your area.
    Yes I'm originally from Sta Rosa City, Laguna. About 25 km. away from Makati. You can send private message so we can chat one day.

  29. #29
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor_JT View Post
    Hi Singkit
    Been a while since we been on but me and my wife Yolly along with many other pinay live in Leeds, our yahoo is on profile chat sometime hu
    Hi! SailorJT, Thanks. Would love to chat with you and your wife Yolly Just look at my Yahoo Messenger

    PennyBarry, Gee thanks! I did that. I do visit jobcentreplus website. Infact I've collected load of jobs to apply but to no avail. I do not know what they see from my CV that scare them to hire me I even applied as a cleaner but maybe they think am too qualified for the job when they see my qualification I am still working on it. Will let everybody knows when I get my first job..It's my home now...and everyone else here is my family.
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

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