Why is Mr Gauk ... pronounced, Gawk ... being so "high and mighty"?

Surely he's not so naive as to be oblivious to the fact that charitable institutions such as the Church regularly engage in tax avoidance LEGITIMATELY ... through Weekly Freewill Offering schemes operated by Direct Debit. ... rather than being forced to rely on "pennies from Heaven".

... who's to say that struggling, cash-strapped small business enterprises are any more morally culpable in effecting savings of a few quid by offering discounts for cash payments in order to meet expensive overheads - thereby, in turn, passing on a proportionate amount to their customers - thus keeping everyone involved in such transactions happy ... except, of course, the taxman.?!

Now ... large scale organisations, e.g., supermarkets - they're in an entirely different league!

Unfortunately, though ... we don't live in a Utopian Society!