over the years, i found that many loopholes for tax free money has been closed,

its a fact that its much more difficult to pay cash now to gain discount, it is also more difficult for the tradesman to take cash because it is a nightmare to hide or buy anything with it, due to how the heck can you explain where the money came from to buy those holidays, to buy your wife that car,
besides the tradesman will say hes giving a discount but not, its more likely your paying the same.

plastic money, direct debit all are a part of the problem of using undeclared cash,

in anycase even undeclared cash still does its part in boosting the economy, if it gets used,then its working,

biggest tax dodgers are those that have.

Originally Posted by CBM
The law condemns the man or woman
Who steals a goose from off the common,
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from the goose.

your so right