Well just sitting downlast night watching the olympics and the phone goes 8.45 it was, my daughter in tears all upset asking for help, off myself and em shoot up there very quick to see my grandson covered in blood and my daughter in fits crying and blaming herself, while trying to comfort her son and talking on the phone to the 999 service, we take Conner off her and i see the cut in his head about 1 inch long and half as wide, he fell out of bed onto his toys, hes just 21 months old,so we are trying to stop the blood and keeping the cut from site of his mum and all i coould hear was THERE ARE NO AMBURLANCES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA RIGHT NOW, we shall transfer your call to a phone centre,well you can imagine waht i did then, kept my manners did not want to upset anyone other rthen them on the end of the phone, he told me the same in his carming voice no ambulance available. my daughter lives in the city and we passed 2 of them on the way to the hospital and once there there was another 5 parked up with crews and a fast responce car also,i know in the light of day we cannot expect everyone to drop tools and help, but what would happen if i was not here, she is a great mum, but lacks a little confadance in herself, i am not letting this drop i am going to the local papers about this, we got home just before midnight and yes hes doing well, his head is glued and hes acting like nothing has happened to him,