Quote Originally Posted by irishman12 View Post
that depends what time you arrive in manila -according to kuwait website arrival is around 4.30pm -therefore if giving at least 3 hrs between flights that might limit you to airphil express as thay seem to have later flights than cebu pacific - it might be good idea to overnight in manila ,how did klm leave you stranded? what responsilibilty do they have after arriving at your destination ? was that many yrs ago -i havent heard of manila airport closing-there are flights arriving /dept all day /night.
Basicly it was around 2 years ago we decided to fly from birmingham to manila and then on to cebu.
Anyway we got to Birmingham airport on a night when we had snow and as you know UK cant deal with snow, we went checked in went to departures and about 30 minutes before departure anouncement was made flight cancelled so they decided to send us down to Heathrow with other filipino passengers where caught a flight to manila but we got there around 7 or 8pm went stright to try book new tickets to cebu but was told no more flight going to cebu until morning.
I was really unhappy and where still trying to get 600 euros each back as we used a company to fight for us but all that is going thru courts as airlines are refusing to pay out passengers.