Hi everyone
I married to a british man , we have a child, my husband is the bilogical father.I live here now for almost a year now. Since I came here, my husband changed his attitude towards me.He is so nice guy before we get married.He is nice person but when he have his temper he seems like different person. He do swear to me, shouting at me and asking me and grabbing me out to leave the flat..Is this consider as Domestic Abuse?
at the moment Im staying at my friends house,I dont know really what to do, where to go.My friend cant support me and the baby's need. My husband didndt support us . I dont know if our relationship will work out fine if im gonna come back with him. Im just afraid that it might get even worst.
What Im gonna do? I am still on spouse visa, visa will expire next year.Am I still entitle for ILR if it happen that we will separate and asking the social services help to support me and baby? My passport say Im not entitle to recourse to any public funds., will this affect my application for ILR? Am I going to sent home if the home office know that I am seperate for my husband and claim help from Social Services?
Any advice and help is much appreciated ..Thank you