This is just unacceptable and you must not accept this.

All married couple have 'ups and down' and all married couple have arguments. Sometimes strong arguments but when you are so frightened for yourself and you baby that you feel you must leave the marital home then the limit is passed.
This is only my personal opinion but if a person behaves so badly in that way then that is their nature and it's unlikely to change. Only to repeat.
You need to also to think about the impacts on the child even so young.

The advice of Graham is excellent.

Also please do take a look at this UKBA webpage called Victims of domestic violence

It explains how to apply for permission to settle permanently in the UK (known as 'indefinite leave to remain') if you are a victim of domestic violence and how to notify UKBA if you need to access public funds. It also provides contact details for organisations offering support and advice to victims.

Don't be shy to ask questions here.

You will find heartfelt support and advice.

Stay strong.