Hi everyone! I am back here again...I am just confused if I still have to submit a CENOMAR in applying for a spousal visa? Is it still necessary when we are already married? should I just need to submit the marriage contract? thanks a lot
Hi everyone! I am back here again...I am just confused if I still have to submit a CENOMAR in applying for a spousal visa? Is it still necessary when we are already married? should I just need to submit the marriage contract? thanks a lot
I dont think a CENOMAR is essential for a Spousal Visa application. However, we both submitted ours. Easy to just "throw in" amongst the evidence if you already have them.
If it is asked for, you must show it. You don't want to be refused because you decided it wasn't necessary.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
Thanks Lastid and Steve R...well, I just thought it isn't needed anymore. I thought they said that we only submit proof that we are free to get married if we were previously married. As for me, I was never married so no need to show but for my partner since he is divorced then we have to submit his divorce paper.
How about those who had successful spousal visa application, can u pls tell me if u included your CENOMAR? I just want to make sure...for some reasons I have misplaced my original CENOMAR so I was thinking if it is really needed then I have to get a new one again from the NSO. Thanks
As far as I can remember it isn't asked for specifically or essential. But if you have it then every little helps. I would say, dont worry about the CENOMAR being lost.
If you have already married in Philippines, no need to have cenomar. Good luck!
it is one of the requirements based from ukba the last time i checked, unless they remove it.
i think the need to show this is to prove u were single before marriage else provide the divorce or anything that relates to that.
are u submitting application anytime soon?
Yes we are planning to submit it as soon as everything is done Mrs. P. How about you? Have you submitted your application already? are u done with CFO? I am quite confused if I should change my passport to his family name and if I can get CFO even if I don't have the visa yet just for the changed of passport.
Hi Katrinai just passed my cenomar and my husband too. i also changed my passport but still its up to you Goodluck be positive and trust God:-)
Yeah i changed my passport to his lastname. And u have to get CFO done first. If u r not in a hurry and not set the date of application i suggest to get the passport changed.
No we have not submitted the application yet, we plan on the 2nd week of august though the papers are already completed. But hubby wanted a solicitor to check the final papers before submitting so he has booked the solicitor on the 9th afterwhich if everything approves by the solicitor then he will send the documents over and i will replace the other pages with the originals i have here.
Thanks Arthur Little...it's always my pleasure to be a part of this very informative forum with very helpful members. I have always been visiting & reading this site till I decided to join.
Personally, Kat ...... I'd always imagined the prime purpose of submitting CENOMARS was to provide the officiating authorities with legitimate proof - prior to the wedding ceremony - that there were no [legal] obstacles to a marriage taking place. And since you and your husband are ALREADY married (to one another) ... I would've thought this matter had previously been taken care of!
Of course, I COULD be mistaken. But I don't think so.![]()
That's actually OPTIONAL ......
... you don't have to! You CAN attend the CFO Seminar beforehand if you wish. Again ... it's up to you! But you CANNOT receive the all-important 'Sticker' UNTIL your passport - with the Settlement Visa affixed thereto - is returned to you.
Unnecessary for the visa... as I've pointed out above; therefore, the choice is yours!
Yeah i forgot to mention i will still have to go back to cfo to get my certIficate stamped. But you cannot change your passport as married because u need the cfo certificate. It is required by the DFA. If i was to use my "single" passport of course i can carry with the application without going to the cfo first.
But arthur is right its an optional. We just wanted mine to change passport.![]()
Yes. Y'see ... MY wife obtained HER 1st Passport ever, in September 2008 - just shortly before she and I were married in the Phils too!! And, with it being valid for a full 5 years - coupled with the fact that we wanted to apply for her Spousal Visa asap - we felt, well ...... what's the point of adding to all the other expense incurred when the name change wasn't a prerequisite for the application.
So we DIDN'T!
Recently, however, my wife became a naturalised British Citizen. Consequently, the time is now ripe [for HER] to trade in her unexpired RP Passport for a UK version ... in order to be able to travel more freely to continental Europe and - wherever else - beyond.![]()
Originally Posted by Mrs.P377625
That's equally understandable.
Just telling her if ever she wishes to change her passport she needs to obtain the cfo certificate first.
i was given the certificate without the sticker yet. staff from the cfo office told me i would need to go back once i get the visa. and get my passport changed without the sticker on my certificate.
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