Hi!!!! I just want to share this. Last Monday, I'll send an email to the UK Embassy manila with the attachment of the Local MP's secretary which is she help us and this is the one I received yesterday from the UK Embassy Manila......

Dear Mr xxxxx

Apologies for the delay in replying to you, but I have been on Annual Holiday.

I have spoken to the Immigration Tribunal Service, who have confirmed all paperwork has been received and updated on their system as of last week.

Manila will be informed shortly to complete a reconsideration.

I have requested that the Tribunal Service supply an expected "Time Scale" and that they keep me informed.


Julia Whitehill
Caseworker for James Wharton MP

And this is my email to the UKBA last Monday.

On the 21st of June I received this email from my husbands local MP's secretary, Julia Whitehill. Julias mail explain that she has spoken to the UK Tribunal Service, who confirmed all the paperwork for our appeal is completed and updated.
She also point's out that Manila would be informed to complete a reconsideration request once this paperwork is done ( The Entry Clearance Manager will only review the appeal on receipt of the appeal papers from the UK)..
It has been one (1) month since this required paperwork was completed, can you please give me an up date of where we are now and when the reconsideration from Manila will take place.

Now this is the reply that I received yesterday....

Dear Ms xxxxxxxx
Manila Ref: xxxxx
Thank you for your email.
Please be advised that we have received your appeal papers on 24 July 2012.. This has been forwarded to an Entry Clearance Manager (ECM).
The ECM.will.review the decision.to refuse the application in light of the Notice of Appeal and any supporting documents. If the ECM is satisfied that the.application meets the Immigration Rules, the original refusal decision may be overturned and entry clearance issued.
If the ECM does not overturn the decision, he/she will write a statement to explain in greater detail the reasons for refusing the visa. This will be sent with all.the applicant’s papers (the appeal bundle).to the First-Tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber (FTTIAC). The appellant will be notified by post if the appeal will proceed and that.the appeal papers have been sent to FTTIAC..
If the refusal decision has been overturned, we will be contacting the applicant by phone or by email to submit the passport.so that the visa can be issued.
Please note that the Visa Section has 3 months to process the appeal upon receipt.
Yours sincerely
Ms V Lee