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Thread: Want to move here fellow EU citizen......well let's see your bank balance!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Want to move here fellow EU citizen......well let's see your bank balance!

    Well my flabber was ghasted by reading this news story (Sorry, it's on the Daily Fail)

    Basically, Spain has allegedly declared that anyone wanting to come live there FROM WITHIN THE EU must have proof of income - in other words prove they can't be a burden on the state.

    It's said the UK has the power to also do this.

    Well this is news to me, as I always thought the opposite, that everyone in the EU has the right to seek work in fellow countries.

    The UK has also enacted the provision – and the Home Office insists that it does demand that EU citizens should not be ‘an unreasonable burden on public funds’ before allowing them to stay in the UK.
    However, Phil Woolas, who served as Immigration Minister between 2008 and 2010, told The Mail on Sunday last night that the powers were almost never used.
    He said: ‘We do have the powers to deport EU citizens – but they are ignored by the British authorities. We should heed the Spanish example and change our approach.
    Talk about missing a trick here. The government has whinged about wanting to bring immigration down, imagine how the place would empty of Rom............oh sorry, best not mention them.........and various other EU migrants.


  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    whats fair to one is fair to another, there should be no discrimination

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    However, Phil Woolas, who served as Immigration Minister between 2008 and 2010, told The Mail on Sunday last night that the powers were almost never used.
    He said: ‘We do have the powers to deport EU citizens – but they are ignored by the British authorities. We should heed the Spanish example and change our approach.

    Interesting article...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Interesting article...
    This possibly ties in with the Damian Green letter I have re Roma scum - the powers have always been there but never used. I tend to believe Woolas in the article where he says handwringing civil servants prevented him from shipping out dross.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    This possibly ties in with the Damian Green letter I have re Roma scum - the powers have always been there but never used. I tend to believe Woolas in the article where he says handwringing civil servants prevented him from shipping out dross.
    You have a Damian Green letter re "Roma Scum"? I see where John Terry gets it this a Chelsea thing?

  6. #6
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    Well, let's all just continue to be politically-correct mugs and let the rest of the world trample all over taking candy from a baby.

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