Some of you will remember that yesterday I put a post up that shared some of the questions my Mar was asking me . . . and I felt rather shocked by them actually.

Well, today, I received 2 questions from her in an email that made me really really shocked and actually made me feel a quite down!

I only felt down for a while coz whilst at work I spoke to my malaysian friend Jenny about it and she told me to reserve part of myself emotionally.

You see my friends, I freely admit to giving this girl 100% of my heart and soul and mind. I LITERALLY think of her all the time and I LITERALLY love her like the dearest part of me and I am always always always thinking about her.

Now, this poses a bit of a problem

You see, my gal lives several thousand miles away. So from my perspective I know that I love the girl, sure! I know that I desire her. I know that there are so much common interests that we share that it's not just coincidence that we met. But, she's not PERFECT, even if she is my most perfect match.

She's human and to err is human.

I have mentioned before in great detail why I love her. I have freely opened my heart and told everyone here how i feel about her . . . I'll link to it now

But .. .

How can I really know a girl I have not met? How do i know that we are completely compatible until i actually meet the girl in person??

I know in theory that we'll be perfect together, and i believe it . .. but it'll only be manifested for real in december when i'm actually physically THERE with her!

So . . .
to finish the way i started . . . in the cafeteria with my friend Jenny . ..

she said . . .

"you see the 100% emotional involvement you have now?? Ok - cut it in half, and make it 50% and when you come back from the philippines and you STILL love her, make it 100% then"!

WOW what amazing advice in guarding my heart!

i'm a learner
