This ties in with Iani's thread "Want to move here fellow EU citizen......well let's see your bank balance!"!
I recently received a copy of this letter from Theresa May's office
Dear Theresa
Thank you for your letter of the 17th May to the Foreign Secretary on behalf of your consituent Mr Dedworth who expresses concern about Roma European Union (EU) Nationals sleeping rough in Central London. As Minister of State for Immigration I have been asked to reply and I apologise for the delay in doing so.
The rights of European Union (EU) nationals to live and work in other EU countries are set out in legislation by which all EU Member States are bound. Any Roma individual who is an EU national can benefit from the right to free movement, which is not conditional on ethnicity. Nonetheless, the Government is clear that EU citizens who benefit from the right to free movement must adhere to the responsibilities this brings with it and abide by our laws,
EU nationals' free movement rights are not unlimited. Those who wish to live in the UK for longer than three months must be exercising a Treaty right as a worker, a self-employed person, a self-sufficient person, or a student. EU nationals who are sleeping rough and not exercising a Treaty right do not have a right to reside in the UK
Rough sleeping by EU migrants is a growing problem in the UK. As part of a new approach to tackle this issue, the UK Border Agency is working with the police, local authorities and other partners to identify EU nationals who are rough sleeping and who may not be exercising a Treaty right in the UK. The individuals involved are referred to outreach workers and partners for support including assistance to return home voluntarily, in the first instance.
If they consistently refuse this support are destitute, and cannot demonstrate that they have a right to reside in the UK, they may be administratively removed.
Damian Green
The mealy-mouthed words that indicate an unwillingness to deport these vermin are clear in the last paragraph.