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Thread: Letter from Damian Green Minister of Immigration re EU Treaty Rights

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Dedworth Letter from Damian Green... 29th July 2012, 16:10
lastlid Where does it say "Roma... 29th July 2012, 16:12
Terpe Totally agree with that... 29th July 2012, 16:17
andy222 At least you got a reply Ded.... 29th July 2012, 16:18
Iani "Bung" them £50, it worked... 30th July 2012, 07:20
grahamw48 'The individuals involved are... 29th July 2012, 16:21
andy222 You would be arrested for... 29th July 2012, 16:57
Arthur Little Loitering "with in tent"... 30th July 2012, 14:20
bigmarco "If they consistently refuse... 30th July 2012, 07:58
Dedworth I've responded please... 30th July 2012, 09:54
bigmarco Nice one Ded... 30th July 2012, 09:59
joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3: dedworth,... 30th July 2012, 10:59
grahamw48 Dedworth for PM ! :Jump:... 30th July 2012, 11:01
malchard888 Superb response by Ded... 30th July 2012, 11:36
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  1. #1
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    I've responded

    please write to the Minister expressing my concern that there seems to be an unwillingness to actually take the bull by the horns and deport these parasites. Phrases such as "referred to outreach workers and partners for support including assistance to return home voluntarily, in the first instance" and “If they consistently refuse this support are destitute, and cannot demonstrate that they have a right to reside in the UK, they may be administratively removed” indicate a lack of political backbone to me. Why are we wasting taxpayer’s money referring these people to “outreach” and “support” workers all this does is give them a cushion of time to further their criminal aims ? If they are seen by the authorities not to be exercising a Treaty Right then they should be put on the first plane to their country of origin.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I've responded

    please write to the Minister expressing my concern that there seems to be an unwillingness to actually take the bull by the horns and deport these parasites. Phrases such as "referred to outreach workers and partners for support including assistance to return home voluntarily, in the first instance" and “If they consistently refuse this support are destitute, and cannot demonstrate that they have a right to reside in the UK, they may be administratively removed” indicate a lack of political backbone to me. Why are we wasting taxpayer’s money referring these people to “outreach” and “support” workers all this does is give them a cushion of time to further their criminal aims ? If they are seen by the authorities not to be exercising a Treaty Right then they should be put on the first plane to their country of origin.
    Nice one Ded

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