Moy, you have put your finger on a very big issue indeed. Actually I think its bigger than the age difference issue (where that eixsts).
A Filipina marrying a Brit and moving here leaves her family behind - no lolo, no lola, no tatay, no nanay, no uncles aunts, no kuya, no ate.
And she will very often be, or will soon become, a mother.
The problem is that she is joining a culture where both parents often need to work to pay the bills, but unlike her British friends at the school gate, she has no "support network" of relatives (yes, the British dump their children on their parents just like the Filipinos do!

This is a fairly huge problem.
My Filipina ex wife didn't work until our younger son was six; two years after that she left me for another bloke, leaving me with the kids. Part of the problem, I suspect, was that we were both permanently tired (I've been even more tired, for the last two years!)