I think my meaning is clear.
I think my meaning is clear.
A few weeks ago my friend Syed found a swarm of bees in a mango tree in his garden in Lahore. Not being a bee keeper himself, he called on the honey bee research centre of the University of Punjab, and the lady professor told him that they were not apis mellifera, the domestic honey bee, but apis dorsata, the giant Himalayan honey bee, which cannot be domesticated, and they had probably selected his mango tree to settle in because of the unusual heat for the time of year.
They don't use hives; they live as a swarm surrounding their queen and the honey comb, so the hive, so to speak, is made of life bees; when they have raised a new brood, after a few weeks, they migrate.
They are much bigger than apis mellifera - a worker is about three quarters an inch long.They have a ferocious reputation and a lot of people urged Syed to get rid of them, for his own safety.
Syed chose not to disturb them; if he was careful to wear white clothes and did not breathe on them he could approach quite closely.
A few days ago they flew off. One of the mysteries of the insect world is that the swarm remembers its migratory routes, even though none of the individuals lives for as long as a year - nobody knows how they do this - so Syed is hoping that they will return next summer.
i'm having trouble following this thread???
My late friend Chuck Phillips, ex Air America pilot, long time resident of SE Asia, Native American, husband of a Filipina and one of the finest men I ever knew, used to have as his tag line:
"Fighting illegal immigration since 1492"
Some people are going to be ever so disappointed:
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