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Thread: still angry

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    still angry

    well would you credit it, i have this leaflet with phone numbers to contact PALS. i am trying to make contact with my complaint about lack of a ambulance the other night for my grandson, well it seems there is only 1 line to call, always engaged, so where do i complain about it being engaged all the time seems after the light of day the only thing is to smile and give the 2 fingers to the establisment

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    111 might have the information you need.....good luck!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Stuart's Avatar
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    The NHS and Social Services have gone from bad to worse.... My experiance has taught me if you complain you get blacklisted so please be careful. I know its the right thing to do..... But be warned the people you are complaining about dont understand the diference between a complaint and critism anymore!!! Good luck.

  4. #4
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    I was sorry to read your original thread, glad your grandson appears to be doing well, and understand your continuing anger, Steve. A concern raised through PALS ( Patient Advice and Liason Service ) is an informal route, but since you haven’t been able to make telephone contact, here’s my advice :-

    • Contact your Ambulance Service NHS Trust ( presumably East Midlands - )
    • Use the online form to make a formal complaint. State your relationship to the patient and that your daughter consents to you making this complaint.
    • Post a letter ( first class, with proof of posting – no extra charge ), to EMAS, along these lines:
    East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust
    Trust Headquarters
    1 Horizon Place
    Mellors Way
    Nottingham Business Park
    NG8 6PY ( and on right hand side of page - Steve W, full address, contact telephone, e mail address and date )

    Re : Conner --------- ( date of birth ),
    Address -------.
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am writing to make a formal complaint to East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust ( EMAS ) regarding the inability of myself or my daughter to obtain an ambulance for my grandson, Conner, who sustained a cut, approximately 1.5 inches, to his head after falling out of bed, on ( date and time ). On calling “ 999 “ I was told no ambulance was available in the area, and was given the same message after transfer to a call centre. Fortunately I was able to drive my grandson and daughter to ( name of ) hospital, where he was discharged after appropriate treatment.
    Subsequently I telephoned PALS ( time(s) and date(s) ) but received no reply.
    I have also registered a formal complaint with EMAS by e mail.
    I expect a satisfactory acknowledgement of my complaint in writing within 10 working days of receipt of this letter.
    Failing this, and in any case if I am not completely satisfied with your response, I will contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman ( Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP ), and the local press.
    Yours sincerely
    Steve W

    • Of course nobody likes complaints, informal or formal. But no matter what the individuals dealing with your complaint may feel, there IS a system for dealing with them and they are paid to respond.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Good, informative and helpful post Alan.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Good, informative and helpful post Alan.
    Thank you Terpe, but Steve has yet to comment .

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    here i go Alan, yes a very good post and thankyou for your time in giving me all this imformation, i did get in touch with the ambulance service and they said they will get back to me once they have looked into this matter, so far i have not heard anything from them, so the letter is to be wrote with all the advice you have mentioned in this thread, the trouble i have at the moment is my concern for my daughter, she does not want any fuss, Conner is fine and she is afraid she may get into some sort of trouble, she is a single parent so as she says did she do enough to stop this from happening, i understand her fears but it is me who is trying to get this sorted out to make sure it never happens again, i will keep you posted on the outcome,

  8. #8
    Trusted Member
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    Thanks Steve, and good luck .

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