Dear Mrs Rhaicard

We wish to advise all Filipinos leaving the country as
emigrante or spouse / partner of a foreigner is required to register
Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) and attend Guidance and
Counseling Program (GCP).

The GCP am for Filipino girlfriend or wife of a foreign
(Or former Filipino) currently administered by our authorized
service provider St. Mary Euphrasia Foundation - Center for Overseas
Workers (SMEF-COW) but it is up to September 14, 2012 only.
You can also please go to the office of the CFO in Manila and Cebu
Guidance is also currently performing and Counseling Program.
Can you please also visit our website to please
more. Email attached flyer for schedule and
documents required for attendance at GCP for your

For further inquiries and clarifications, please call (632)
552-4740 to 46 and (632) 552-4712 to 14.

you can call them for further information ...