"The basic content of the Consolidated Reproductive Health Bill is divided into the following sections.
Declaration of Policy
Guiding Principles
Definition of Terms
Midwives for Skilled Attendance
Emergency Obstetric Care
Access to Family Planning
Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situations
Maternal Death Review
Family Planning Supplies as Essential Medicines
Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies
Integration of Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood Component in Anti-Poverty Programs
Roles of Local Government in Family Planning Programs
Benefits for Serious and Life-Threatening Reproductive Health Conditions
Mobile Health Care Service
Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education
Additional Duty of the Local Population Officer
Certificate of Compliance
Capability Building of Barangay Health Workers
Ideal Family Size
Employers’ Responsibilities
Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women
Sexual And Reproductive Health Programs For Persons With Disabilities (PWDs)
Right to Reproductive Health Care Information
Implementing Mechanisms
Reporting Requirements
Congressional Oversight Committee
Prohibited Acts
Implementing Rules and Regulations
Separability Clause
Repealing Clause

Summary of major provisions
The bill mandates the government to “promote, without bias, all effective natural and modern methods of family planning that are medically safe and legal.”
Although abortion is recognized as illegal and punishable by law, the bill states that “the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner.”
The bill calls for a “multi-dimensional approach” integrates a component of family planning and responsible parenthood into all government anti-poverty programs.
Under the bill, age-appropriate reproductive health and sexuality education is required from grade five to fourth year high school using “life-skills and other approaches.”
The bill also mandates the Department of Labor and Employment to guarantee the reproductive health rights of its female employees. Companies with less than 200 workers are required to enter into partnership with health care providers in their area for the delivery of reproductive health services.
Employers with more than 200 employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. Those with less than 200 workers shall enter into partnerships with health professionals for the delivery of reproductive health services. Employers shall inform employees of the availability of family planning services. They are also obliged to monitor pregnant working employees among their workforce and ensure they are provided paid half-day prenatal medical leaves for each month of the pregnancy period that they are employed.
The national government and local governments will ensure the availability of reproductive health care services, including family planning and prenatal care.
Any person or public official who prohibits or restricts the delivery of legal and medically safe reproductive health care services will be meted penalty by imprisonment or a fine.
