Unfortunately there are several inter-related threads concerning the RH Bill, health of mums and kids, and malnutrition in filipino kids. This does make it difficult for interested members to keep up. Rather than offer further internet links, here is my opinion – ONLY an opinion, and already stated - about health of mums and kids and how it may be improved in the Philippines. This is in addition to family planning.
• Spend more of the GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) on a better coordinated and locally available health service.
• More health insurance.
• Train – and retain in the Philippines - more specialist doctors. There are enough nurses/midwives.
• Vaccinations – routine use of rotavirus vaccine ( already planned ) to reduce childhood diarrhoea cases ; pneumococcal vaccine for childhood pneumonia ; BCG for tuberculosis ; hepatitis B vaccine ( prevents commonest form of hepatitis and liver cancer in later life ); vaccines for other childhood infections such as measles ; HPV ( human papilloma virus ) vaccine for 12-13 year old female teenagers ( prevents adult cervical cancer ; cervical screening still necessary). Dengue vaccine – not yet available ; rabies vaccine should be more readily available. Polio has been eradicated ; AIDS and malaria – no vaccines yet, but not major problems.
• Health and Safety – reduce chances of serious injuries, whether on the roads, as a result of “ natural disasters “, or in the home.
• Better / earlier diagnosis and treatment of congenital abnormalities.
• Malnutrition – many factors inter-relate here :- cost and knowledge about healthy / unhealthy foods. Teenage mums especially have poor eating habits, together with smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking illicit drugs.
• Obesity – ironically, also a problem which leads to adult health risks similar to those in the UK. Screening for diabetes is cheap.
• Cataracts – simply and effectively treated – are a major problem. Poor nutrition, measles, and prematurity are others affecting eyesight.
• Better dental care – for a start, regular brushing of teeth with fluoridated toothpaste.
• Obviously some – maybe most - of this is wishful thinking, but it concerns all of us with connections to the country.