Oh hipocrisy is so common in the Philippines..many people would consider themselves very religious yet if you see them how they live their everyday life, you would just laugh at what they say and do..For example, every time holy week would come, lots of people would do things to ask for God's forgiveness and would do novena, "pabasa", and some penitence..After holy week, back to their old self..like gossiping and fighting with neighbors or even family members themselves, doing illegal stuffs like robbing/snatching/thieving or drugs, and other stuffs like that. None of those things are being told in the Bible that all religious people have read. None of those things are being taught by every religious sector we know. Yet it is prevalent. I just have to watch all my neighbors and you can see the hipocrisy of the so-called religious people have.Just to make it clear, I believe in God as most Filipinos do. But I wouldn't consider myself religious because I have my own way of doing it.

And my opinion about the Catholic church being against the RH Bill, I think they have no clue about things that involve sex as they haven't done it. They should just let the government decide whether to approve it or not.