Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
May I humbly suggest that members look at the thread on health of mums and kids ( http://filipinaroses.com/showthread....ippines-and-UK )
which so far has had less than half the views and replies of this thread.
I’m grateful to those members who have contributed to both.
Originally I hoped the threads related to this topic could be merged – now I’m glad they haven’t. Several times I have made the point that I’m not qualified to make religious or political judgements. It is, however, factually correct that lack of family planning holds countries back. There is a demographic dividend from reduced fertility – more working-age adults and fewer dependents. But what I have also made clear – with qualification – is that many factors are involved in improving health of this vitally important group of people, wherever they live. It may be naïve and unrealistic to hope for all the improvements needed – but members should surely want to understand the facts, devoid of religious and political overtones.
I agree. But I can see how the two threads have come about separately. I think this one gathered a bit more momentum at one stage at the expense of the other but both are as significant as the other, the chief difference being the focus on the Catholic bishops and their part that they play on the potential passing of the RH Bill.

From my point of view the facts that you rightly point out are unfortunately exacerbated by the Catholic bishops and thus political and religious overtones are inherently brought into the discussion.