They will have plenty of time to do there 5 times a day prayers now.![]()
They will have plenty of time to do there 5 times a day prayers now.![]()
Thanks for todays good news Andy
What a shame hanging was abolished
No problem DED I thought I would cher you up after yesterday.
Its nice to see they intergate with our way of life.
Cheers Andy - they'll be able to keep these animals company in jail
Four members of a family have been found guilty of murdering a 21-year-old pregnant woman they thought was possessed by evil spirits.
Read more:
It amazes me how the people of this country just sit back and say nothing.. Especially the ones in power from both sides.
I actually followed quite a bit about this case.
It's an absolutely vile and shameful act.
How can parents of a beautiful daughter do this? It's just so far outside my comprehension.
This is the extreme side of face. But make no mistake it's not even considered normal in 21st century Pakistan, except maybe in the most remote villages.
Gives a little insight into the meaning of 'face' throughout Asia.
For pitys sake, how on earth could they possibly believe their daughter would not be westernised, she lived and grew up in England.
If folks are so against the British culture/freedoms/behaviour why stay?
What a waste of a beautiful young life.
I know what I'd do with these monsters who murdered their daughter with their bare hands
Sorry guys, this really got to me.
Put simply..they come here for the handouts ..definitely not for our glorious weather....a fact every man and his dog knows
For all we know this case could be the tip of the iceberg...we'll sets an important marker.
Yep followed this one myself and totally agree with what you say. To come to this country and raise your family and expect your daughter not to become westernised in anyway beggars belief. To then kill your own beautiful daughter is totally insane.
I just cant understand how you would choose to raise your family in a society that you despise so much.
Spare a thought for Shafileas sister who knew what they had done and eventually got the courage to testify against her parents despite what I would imagine was immense pressure from other family members not to.
A very sad story.
Just as well this story surfaced before the olympics started otherwise we'd be none the wiser until September.
Why did this happen?
Here’s a theory of my own.
Let’s go back a bit, to the days of the initial influx of “Moslems from South Asia” (Bangladesh did not exist then) into Britain. The Lancashire and Yorkshire textiles industry was struggling against competition from lower cost producers and in particular had lost the protected access to the Indian market that it had had before 1947 (which is why the Indian flag has a spinning wheel on it). The employers thought the solution was to bring in cheap labour from Pakistan, and employers in other low wage businesses like food processing thought the same.
Men came first, sent money home and in due course thought they would like a wife. Most Pakistani wives in Britain were “mail order brides” but they were not selected from catalogues but by family members remaining in Pakistan; this started the pattern of marriage amongst cousins which has reached fairly epidemic proportions amongst Pakistanis in Britain and is responsible for increasing numbers of genetic defects.
Now, the young wife came to Britain and settled into the home. Unlike her husband she did not go out to work, she could shop locally and consequently she made no effort to learn English. Her children went to local schools, learned English and became “westernised”. The girls, in particular, grow up like English girls. Their mother sees that she will one day become an old woman, in a country where she does not speak the language.
What is she to do? Who will take care of her in old age? The only solution is to persuade her sons to marry, not those “dreadful” “westernised” British Pakistani girls, who want a life of their own and who show no respect to their elders, but” a nice girl from the old country”, probably a cousin, who does not speak English and will therefore be forced to stay at home as a slave to ageing mother in law.
It’s actually the old woman, speaking only Urdu, staying in the house, spoiling her sons and brutalising her daughters in law, dreaming of “life in the old country”, trying to impose the values of a simple village sixty years ago, and not realising that Pakistan and Bangladesh have also changed, who is responsible for most of the trouble amongst British Moslems.
But what happens when a woman has no sons, only daughters? In such a case, she “must” bend her daughters to her will, and that I think is what happened here.
Arranged marriages were about long before mass immigration to Great Britain.
They've been coming here since the 60's..over fifty I said in my previous post, this killing could be the tip of the iceberg but, only one killing so far in all that time?...I know the police clear up isn't as good as it should....I dont think for one minute its as bad as its been painted...many family think its a privilege to look after there elders..not purgatory as implied.
Political correctness and over-zealous anti-racism laws have effectively gagged the majority population, as was inevitable.
Ever felt you were now a mere 'onlooker' in your own country ?![]()
Im sure this why Hague never made it to the top flight...Blair and co would pull out the race card at every given also sure this is why Portilo kicked politics into touch..liberalism through the labour party has destroyed our country.
I agree Graham..we are just voting spectators.
Not wanting to cast nasturtiums about the thought process of our beloved political leaders, and the various lobbyists who really control the direction of government, but..........
It's nothing more than coincidence that most muslims here are from one place, and are brown. They came originally from Pakistan, most are muslims.......end of.
However, does anyone think government policy, the reactions of those in power, the headlines in such as the Guardian..............imagine if these people had been white? Imagine if instead of muslims, ,this behaviour had been from some ultra religious group in America who had emigrated here in numbers?
You decide
Whilst throwing those nasturtiums... does anyone else get annoyed by the assumption enshrined in the endless racial origin surveys that we all have to complete that "Asian" means Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi? There is a separate category for "Chinese", as if China were not in Asia, and anyone from anywhere else on the world's largest continent goes into the "others" box.
This to my mind illustrates your point only too well.
I agree with marco spare a thought for her sister who gave the evidence. I wonder what will happen to her?
I'm totally against arranged marriages. Everyone should have the freedom to choose their spouse.
A friend of mine who has Muslim parents fell in love with a Hindu girl when he was a teenager. Both sets of parents were against the relationship leading to its demise. He ended up getting married to a woman he didn't love and he's turned into a bitter and unhappy man.
As for the pair of maggots who killed their daughter. Hope they rot!![]()
Religion in all forms has been totally corrupted and belongs in the dark ages IMO.
It was SUPPOSED to be about LOVE !
When I see these brainwashed religious types following the 10 commandments and practising what they preach I'll give them a milligram of respect.![]()
Totally agree Graham...nothing wrong with religion...its the scum who's corrupted it for there own ends...not as God intended.
Even if one is not religious, yet..the 10 commandments are a good set of rules to live your life by![]()
I have not forgotten, and still endeavour to live by the GOOD values taught to me during my 16 years of church-going...just the man in the sky stuff I kicked into touch.![]()
Thou shall not frequent Fields Avenue!![]()
I said to myself "aha!" as i read this. (see post 8).
Fields Avenue seems like a nice place, to me, it is full of bars with charming young ladies who want to make friends, so you'll never be lonely there...
Just think of our taxes paying to keep them in jail.![]()
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