Hi all
My fiancée recently received her UK visaand today visited CFO for the seminar. They did not issue her certificate as they wanted a copy of my decree absolute (she had) and a copy of my birth certificate (did not have). She did have a copy of my passport but they weren't interested in this. They asked her to return with my birth certificate on Monday; she expects they will issue the certificate then after seeing my certificate. I've scanned in my birth certificate and Change of Name Deed (my mother divorced/re-married and I had a name change); I hope they don't require the original birth certificate and are satisfied with a scanned copy. Also, hope they are okay with my name change; I expect they are used to this kind of thing. Seems they won't sticker her passport until the "valid from date" of her visa, so will have to return again to CFO for that.
She was advised that she needs a medical certificate; no requirement in the UK for this but she will get one just in case the immigration officer at NAIA insists on seeing one.
Red ribbon was mentioned too but they did not specify which documents would require this. Don't want her to not be allowed to travel because of this. Anyone have any advise on this?
Btw; I will be travelling to the Philippines to travel back with her as she had not flown long haul before and also to help if any issues entering the UK but I'm not expecting any.
Thanks in advance for any advice.