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Thread: Appeal hearing date set.

  1. #31
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Good call Ded I was wondering if there was anyway to get compensation?

  2. #32
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Yes I phoned their offices today and had an encouraging conversation with them. I am dropping my paperwork off tomorrow. I found the conversation today and the fact that they were not at all shocked by our treatment encouraging. According to them 75% of all refusals are overturned on appeal.
    Mike are you saying that despite winning your case 2 months ago you have still not received the visa.
    Yeah its well over 2 months now - 2 e mails , 2 letters ,solicitors letter and they never even acknowledged any of them, I have now got an MP involved , but do not despair ,you will get there

  3. #33
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Good luck Marco - when it's all done and dusted will you be raising the matter with the Government Ombudsman ? It would appear that an injustice has been done and financial costs incurred due to the UKBA's inept mishandling of the application.

    I've only ever had experience of the Local Govt Ombudsman where I helped an elderly lady get a drainage issue resolved - she ended up getting c £2000 compo for flood damage to her garage & garden caused by the local authorities failure to provide and maintain adequate storm drains.
    Agree with you Ded. I'm obviously focusing on doing whats necessary to get my wife here asap. Obviously once that has been achieved I feel it would be wrong of me to let the matter lie.
    This is an injustice compounded by the fact they have already ignored an opportunity to put the matter right.
    The very fact that they are forcing us to go to court makes me determined to pursue the matter further once the case is resolved.

  4. #34
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    Marc, how long did it take for you to get your appeal hearing from the point of the refusal?

  5. #35
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Marc, how long did it take for you to get your appeal hearing from the point of the refusal?
    Hi Yellowcloud. We were refused in March and received the appeal date this week for a hearing in September.
    However there was a delay of at least a month as we originally submitted our appeal to the Embassy in error. By the time we submitted our documents to HMCTS in Leicester we were late so our papers had to go before a Judge to confirm it was ok for our appeal to go ahead which caused a further delay of at least 2 weeks.

  6. #36
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    Thanks Marc, so the reason your appeal is being heard in Feltham Middx is because its your local court? Would that be the same for anyone who appeals? ie it would be heard at their local court?

  7. #37
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Thanks Marc, so the reason your appeal is being heard in Feltham Middx is because its your local court? Would that be the same for anyone who appeals? ie it would be heard at their local court?
    I'm assuming thats the case. Although Feltham is not really local to me it's a hell of a lot closer than Leicester.

  8. #38
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    Does anyone know how the appeal process works in simple terms as its very confusing to me?

    I think I have figured it out, but please correct me

      • The ECO refuses the application and sends a notice to the applicant along with their supporting documents.

      • If the applicant has the right to an appeal, the ECO will include a form with the notification of refusal.

      • The applicant must fill in the form, write the new statement in defense of their protest, and along with the original supporting documents, sends everything to the court at Leicester.

      • At Leicester an ECM (entry clearance manager) reviews the form, application, supporting documents, statement of refusal from the original ECO, and the statement from the appealing applicant. If the ECM reverses the ECOs decision, the applicant is notified. This can take up to three months after the initial refusal.

      • If the ECM continues the refusal, the paperwork is sent onto the Tribunal, a hearing date is set, the judge looks it over, makes a decision, and notifies the applicant of the outcome. This can take up to a year.

  9. #39
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    yellowcloud, you're almost there, but please take a look here

    Hopefully it will help.

  10. #40
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Does anyone know how the appeal process works in simple terms as its very confusing to me?

    I think I have figured it out, but please correct me

      • The ECO refuses the application and sends a notice to the applicant along with their supporting documents.

      • If the applicant has the right to an appeal, the ECO will include a form with the notification of refusal.

      • The applicant must fill in the form, write the new statement in defense of their protest, and along with the original supporting documents, sends everything to the court at Leicester.

      • At Leicester an ECM (entry clearance manager) reviews the form, application, supporting documents, statement of refusal from the original ECO, and the statement from the appealing applicant. If the ECM reverses the ECOs decision, the applicant is notified. This can take up to three months after the initial refusal.

      • If the ECM continues the refusal, the paperwork is sent onto the Tribunal, a hearing date is set, the judge looks it over, makes a decision, and notifies the applicant of the outcome. This can take up to a year.
    The ECM who reviews the case is based at the Embassy in Manila. If he upholds the refusal he then returns a photo copied bundle to Leicester who then forward this on to you together with the date of your hearing.
    Its then upto you if you decide to seek professional advice.
    Our appeal was submitted late which caused about 6 weeks of delays. The refusal was in March and our appeal date is september so it takes less than a year. I would say slightly less than 6 months if you do everything properly.

  11. #41
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    Thanks Terpe!!!

    Very helpful! What I dont understand is this

    If you have any supporting documents that you did not include in your original application but wish to include now, include these with the completed form IAIT-2.
    I didnt think that was allowed? For instance someone did not have 3rd party support but then adds 3rd party support with the appeal?

  12. #42
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    The ECM who reviews the case is based at the Embassy in Manila. If he upholds the refusal he then returns a photo copied bundle to Leicester who then forward this on to you together with the date of your hearing.
    Its then upto you if you decide to seek professional advice.
    Marc, thanks. I notice you say

    Its then upto you if you decide to seek professional advice
    However would it not be better to get legal advice and help with filling in the appeal form before the 28 days are up first?

    Marc, when you submitted your appeal form did you accompany it with all of the original documents you submitted with the Visa application? or photocopies of all the original documents? Did you also send in additional evidence other than what was in you original application?

    Did you apply for Anonymity? if so do you think its a good idea?

    If you have a representative acting on your behalf does your fiancée/spouse need to sign the appeal form or anything like that?

  13. #43
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Marc, thanks. I notice you say

    However would it not be better to get legal advice and help with filling in the appeal form before the 28 days are up first?
    Yes of course you can do that.
    Lets hope you dont have to cross that bridge. Stay positive

  14. #44
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    Marco, I hope not but after the way her interview went I think I will be in the same boat as you but not as far ahead of course. I expect the decision tomorrow or any day now.

    Sorry Marc I edited my past post and you didn't see my other questions, when you submitted your appeal form did you accompany it with all of the original documents you submitted with the Visa application? or photocopies of all the original documents? Did you also send in additional evidence other than what was in your original application?

    Did you apply for Anonymity? if so do you think its a good idea?

    If you have a representative acting on your behalf does your fiancée/spouse need to sign the appeal form or anything like that?

  15. #45
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Thanks Terpe!!!

    Very helpful! What I dont understand is this

    I didnt think that was allowed? For instance someone did not have 3rd party support but then adds 3rd party support with the appeal?
    i don't think you can do that any longer, that's the reason so many appeals were won, because people submitted evidence they should have submitted in the first place, and if they did they probably would have been granted the visa and not been refused

  16. #46
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    Hmm hope this turns out well for you and your family Marco; I'm sure it will with the right representation.

    It doesn't hope you but some advise to others.

    For my fiancée's application, her rep (my UK lawyer) produced an index of all the evidence we submitted. The evidence was bound in a folder because the rep told us they often lose evidence and this minimises the risk of that. Then the rep's letter called out all of the evidence that we submitted and how it showed that we met each piece of the legislation requirements. The rep's letter was very compelling and walked the officer through the thought process they should be using and to the successful conclusion we had.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i don't think you can do that any longer, that's the reason so many appeals were won, because people submitted evidence they should have submitted in the first place, and if they did they probably would have been granted the visa and not been refused
    This is what our rep informed us of; so the application we submitted contained everything that we would need if we had to go to appeal.

  18. #48
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Just a question for you guys.
    1. You submit your application in Manila
    2. If refused all the documents must be sent back to the uk for the appeal? Is that right?

  19. #49
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Just a question for you guys.
    1. You submit your application in Manila
    2. If refused all the documents must be sent back to the uk for the appeal? Is that right?
    You submit your partners application in Manila if its refused they return original documents to her but they keep copies.
    When you submit your appeal to leicester they send this to ECM in Manila if he upholds refusal he notifies Leicester and sends them a copy of the bundle which they forward on to you with the date of the hearing.

    Thanks everybody for your kind words. Really appreciated.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mags89 View Post
    Hmm hope this turns out well for you and your family Marco; I'm sure it will with the right representation.

    It doesn't hope you but some advise to others.

    For my fiancée's application, her rep (my UK lawyer) produced an index of all the evidence we submitted. The evidence was bound in a folder because the rep told us they often lose evidence and this minimises the risk of that. Then the rep's letter called out all of the evidence that we submitted and how it showed that we met each piece of the legislation requirements. The rep's letter was very compelling and walked the officer through the thought process they should be using and to the successful conclusion we had.
    This is what our Immigration agent did. Itemised everything that was included in the submission on a covering page. A sort of Index but grouped according to the order used on the website. And also related it directly to the legislation. Our submission papers remained loose though, as evidently even submitted in bound form VFS want the sheets separated.

  21. #51
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    1. Does anyone know when you submit your appeal form do you accompany it with all of the original documents you submitted with the Visa application? or photocopies of all the original documents? Do you also send in additional evidence other than what was in your original application?

    2. Do you think Anonymity is a good idea as it is offered in an appeal? If so why?

    3. If you have a representative acting on your behalf does your fiancée/spouse need to sign the appeal form or anything like that?

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    1. Does anyone know when you submit your appeal form do you accompany it with all of the original documents you submitted with the Visa application? or photocopies of all the original documents? Do you also send in additional evidence other than what was in your original application?

    2. Do you think Anonymity is a good idea as it is offered in an appeal? If so why?

    3. If you have a representative acting on your behalf does your fiancée/spouse need to sign the appeal form or anything like that?
    Do you need to go to appeal having had an application turned down Yellowcloud ? If not I can't really see any point in asking all these questions, however never having submitted a visa application I'm probably not qualified to comment

  23. #53
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    Do you need to go to appeal having had an application turned down Yellowcloud ? If not I can't really see any point in asking all these questions, however never having submitted a visa application I'm probably not qualified to comment
    No we dont, but as our application is marginal I dont want to just wait until we get a refusal and then spend days trying to understand the appeal process when we have a strict deadline and I know my head will not be thinking straight if we are rejected so would rather learn about it now while I can actually take it in. Plus, I think this information is helpful to others and for me I love to help others and by learning these things I will use what I know to reply to other people who are seeking or may need to know this if theres a real possibility they will need to know and understand these things.

  24. #54
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    Thanks for the answer but tbh I think with a bit of searching all the info is to be found on this forum

    If I was in your shoes Yellowcloud I'd rather not tempt fate.

  25. #55
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    Thanks for the answer but tbh I think with a bit of searching all the info is to be found on this forum
    Thats what I do, unless there is something I can not find then I ask the question.

    If I was in your shoes Yellowcloud I'd rather not tempt fate
    Dedworth, funny as I have found the opposite to be true in my life haha. Most times when I expect something it doesn't happen but most times when I don't expect something it does :P

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post

    Dedworth, funny as I have found the opposite to be true in my life haha. Most times when I expect something it doesn't happen but most times when I don't expect something it does :P
    Do you know that thought did cross my mind - good luck with the application !

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Do you know that thought did cross my mind - good luck with the application !
    Always expect the unexpected. No one expected the Spanish Inquisition.

  28. #58
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    Dedworth, haha its funny how life is like that. Have you ever been waiting for a bus and its due and you are expecting it to arrive, then you wait and wait and it still doesnt come and you think "right its not going to arrive now must have come early or who knows" and you walk off and just when you no longer think it is going to happen or expecting it and walk off and you look over your shoulder and there it coming down the road!!!!

  29. #59
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    '' Spanish Inquisition'' I get that morning day and night

  30. #60
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
    Marco, I hope not but after the way her interview went I think I will be in the same boat as you but not as far ahead of course. I expect the decision tomorrow or any day now.

    Sorry Marc I edited my past post and you didn't see my other questions, when you submitted your appeal form did you accompany it with all of the original documents you submitted with the Visa application? or photocopies of all the original documents? Did you also send in additional evidence other than what was in your original application?

    Did you apply for Anonymity? if so do you think its a good idea?

    If you have a representative acting on your behalf does your fiancée/spouse need to sign the appeal form or anything like that?
    Hi Yellowcloud
    Our appeal contained very few documents because in our view the refusal was down to the fact that our original application had not been studied properly. We simply contested their reasons for refusal and submitted one or two photocopies of documents they already had (ie Photocopy My Passport). No additional documents were sent because we felt we had sent everything necessary with the application.
    Anonymity wasn't requested and to be honest I didn't know you could.
    The appeal form was completed in the Philippines and as far as I'm aware this can also be done online.

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