"Michael Mosley is well known for his willingness to suffer in the name of science. His latest experiment on himself (most recently he let us take a peek at his intestines via a teeny tiny camera) is a three-day fast, all in the cause of holding back time.
According to Horizon, going a bit hungry can add years to your life. Mosley meets Joe, a devotee of this so-called “calorie restricted with optimum nutrition” lifestyle, who lives on 1,900 calories a day. It looks and sounds joyless, but Mosley, after his fast and a less brutal version of the diet, feels like a new man. He looks a bit like one, too."
"Michael Mosley sets himself an ambitious goal - he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight, making as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He explores new research that sheds light on the benefits of fasting and believes he has found a way of doing it that still allows him to enjoy his food. He then tests the science on himself - with life-changing results."