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Thread: PDOS Pre-departure orientation seminar for Filipinos

  1. #1
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    PDOS Pre-departure orientation seminar for Filipinos

    If a Filipino has attended a PDOS does that mean they have definitely been granted an immigrant/emigrant visa?
    I'm struggling to understand how my ex-partner who is a waiter with no other real skills or qualifications would be granted such a visa for Australia.
    Apparently he was stopped at Manila airport on 5 July and not allowed to travel but now apparently he has gone to Oz leaving on 26 July.

  2. #2
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    Actually the real answer may not be a simple yes or no

    Technically, all Filipino's granted 'immigrant-class visa', (includes work permit visa's) are required by the Philippine Government (Article 19 of Presidential Decree No. 442) to register with the CFO and attend the Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) before leaving.
    If he's been properly registered he will have his CFO sticker.
    This is supposed to be inspected by the BI at departure.

    Unless you can see what visa is actually in his passport there's really no way to know anything 100%

    But look, from what you've said it certainly appears that he may well have attempted to leave with an immigrant-class visa but without his CFO sticker and that's why he was refused exit on 5 July.

  3. #3
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    But if he had a tourist visa he wouldn't have to attend a PDOS is that correct?

  4. #4
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    If he had a tourist visa for Oz he wouldn't have to attend a PDOS-is that correct? I just can't see how he would have been granted an immigration visa with no work skills that appear on the skills list and no close family-I really just can't see it.

  5. #5
    Member mercedes's Avatar
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    Patsylou i thought pdos is certificate is give to all ofw who have employer and ready to fightmaybe her pappers not complete thats why they stopped her

  6. #6
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    thanks but my question was do you have to attend a PDOS if you have a tourist visa?

  7. #7
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsylou View Post
    thanks but my question was do you have to attend a PDOS if you have a tourist visa?
    Answer is no. I took my sister in Dubai as a visit visa and she did not need PDOS, I managed to find her job in Dubai. I think once you manage to get a job, he needs to report to POEA for OWWA requirement but only when he comes home in Philippines.

  8. #8
    Respected Member eliza's Avatar
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    In my experience i came here in singapore as a tourist visa but my agency process all my pappers here, but in your situation you take tourist visa not working visa look the different

  9. #9
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patsylou View Post
    thanks but my question was do you have to attend a PDOS if you have a tourist visa?
    You dont need to take any pre departure orientation for tourists visa holders, I think. I have visited SG (4 days), HK (3 days) and the UK (5 months) as a tourist but I didnt experience or underwent any orientation and stuffs at all.

  10. #10
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    Is there any other country in the world which subjects its citizens to all this nonsense...apart from maybe communist China and Cuba ?

  11. #11
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    Good Evening Everyone,

    I also have the same questions.. I had a tourist visa. A schengen visa and i will be traveling next month.My husband and i was a bit confused if i need to get a cfo seminar and cfo sticker since i will be back on january 2013. and i just had a tourist visa.. I read in this forum that you don't nee a cfo certificate when you are holding a tourist visa.. But when i asked the bureau of immigration.. they told me that spouse, fiance of foreign nationals need to get cfo certificate.. we really don't know what to do.. any experiences with the same case with me.. i am a wife of foreign nationals but i will not stay there.. i will be back in the Philippines in January..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by carmela0317 View Post
    Good Evening Everyone,

    I also have the same questions.. I had a tourist visa. A schengen visa and i will be traveling next month.My husband and i was a bit confused if i need to get a cfo seminar and cfo sticker since i will be back on january 2013. and i just had a tourist visa.. I read in this forum that you don't nee a cfo certificate when you are holding a tourist visa.. But when i asked the bureau of immigration.. they told me that spouse, fiance of foreign nationals need to get cfo certificate.. we really don't know what to do.. any experiences with the same case with me.. i am a wife of foreign nationals but i will not stay there.. i will be back in the Philippines in January..
    The Guidelines on Departure Formalities for International-Bound Passengers in All Airports and Seaports as issued by the Bureau of Immigration Philippines can be found here

    This really states that tourist visa holders are not required to have CFO sticker.

    The CFO sticker is only needed by:-

    1. Filipino emigrants/residence visa or permit holders / permanent resident card holders
    Travelers falling under this visa category shall present the following documents for primary inspection:

    a) Passport
    b) Permanent residence visa / immigrant visa / permanent residence card
    c) CFO Emigrant registration sticker
    d) Airline/Sea Craft ticket

    2. Filipino spouses and other partners of foreign nationals
    Travelers falling under this visa category shall present the following documents for primary inspection:

    a) Passport
    b) Permanent residence permit or visa / immigrant visa / permanent residence card
    c) Guidance and Counseling Certificate
    d) CFO Emigrant registration sticker
    e) Airline/Sea Craft Ticket
    Your visa category is tourist.

  13. #13
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    @ Mr. Terpe :

    Thank you for the information.. I have called the cfo office in cebu earlier.. The staff told me it really depends on the immigration if they will look for it but a tourist visa holder doesn't need cfo.. ;-)

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