Great info there Alan, is there no demographic data that shows where the care is going so for example I believe the europeans who come here should have to contribute to their care.
They dont have parents who paid their way as we do for example, when I was 18 I got a job and have been a good tax payer all my life. My point is if I need assistance I have paid for a fair share as anyone else who pays into the tax system.
The huge migration from Europe must be a hge burden on our resources surely?

The other problem is as you say costs of drugs vs life span of patient, I am seeing my parents denied access to a lot of drugs that would mke their life better because they are too costly. My parents are old and the balance has to be made, but against the foreign aid bill all this is just dusting on a cake surely.

I dunno its just a terrible situation - peope living longer fewer people paying into the system, the NHS has to move forward but I dont think its going to be fixed for a long time because someone is going to have to be very unpopular and make biting decisions.

I am ranting - time for bed. I am pleased that my Wife has been able to take advantage of the NHS, but as I hardly use it her natal care is at least covered by my contributions (or thats how I see it).