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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Hi all
    Does anyone know the score of the A1 English Test that my wife will need to get in order for her certificate?
    Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading. I heard it maybe 4.5, is this correct?
    I hope someone will answer this very soon as my wife will be taking the new test soon..

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi all
    Does anyone know the score of the A1 English Test that my wife will need to get in order for her certificate?
    Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading. I heard it maybe 4.5, is this correct?
    I hope someone will answer this very soon as my wife will be taking the new test soon..
    Louis, I think you posted this question already.

    Anyways, you don't mention the name of the test.
    The IELTS test has a minimum level of B1 which is somewhat higher than that required which is A1
    The IELTS minimum pass score is 4 in all modules.

    Which test is she taking?

  3. #3
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    Hi Terpe.
    Thank you for your reply
    It is for my wife to appy for her spouse visa which I think it has to be the English Test of Level A1?
    She is not coming here to work or anything like that.
    Regards Louis

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe.
    Thank you for your reply
    It is for my wife to appy for her spouse visa which I think it has to be the English Test of Level A1?
    She is not coming here to work or anything like that.
    Regards Louis
    That's why I asked which test.
    There is no such test called A1.
    A1 is just the current minimum level required.

    There are actually quite a number of tests that can be taken.

    Here's the latest UKBA approved listing for English tests

    A pretty good starting point is to find a test centre close to where your wife is living.
    Unless her English skills are pretty good already I suggest looking for a test that is actually evaluated at A1 level.
    As I said before IELTS is evaluated at a higher level of B1 and obviously demands a better proficiency.

    Hope that helps

  5. #5
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    Hi Terpe
    I just looked at that site you gave me
    There is a level at A1 on there.
    When you say B1 I get confused.
    Is it the Al level that she needs or is it the B1 level that she needs?
    I believe that the B1 is for student and nurses.
    Is that right. yes or no?
    Thank you

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe
    I just looked at that site you gave me
    There is a level at A1 on there.
    When you say B1 I get confused.
    Is it the Al level that she needs or is it the B1 level that she needs?
    I believe that the B1 is for student and nurses.
    Is that right. yes or no?
    Thank you
    What I'm saying to you is this:-

    1. UKBA has a list of approved tests and associated approved providers.
    2. There is no such thing as a test called A1. That is just the designation of the level of qualification required for spouse visa.
    3. Not all of the UKBA approved tests are evaluated at level A1 - Some have a higher level and may be too demanding for some students.
    4. Each test has it's own evaluation scoring. The UKBA approved list clearly indicates the level at which they accept for each test ( for example, IELTS test has a minimum level B1 which equates to a score of 4. UKBA will not accept any score less than 4 even if the actual score of the student was equal to A1 level such as 3.5)
    5. Your wife needs to select a test which she feels comfortable with and also a testing centre that she can get to easily.
    6. Many people on this forum and beyond have elected to take the test called IELTS. The minimum score is 4 which is a level of B1. Despite this being higher than the A1 required they have felt comfortable to take this with their skill level as they felt this was also more convenient with a convenient test centre.

    The B1 level of IELTS is certainly not enough for nurses etc.

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Hi Terpe
    Thank you very much
    You have explain this to me very well indeed.
    I am more clear now than I have ever been before on this subject and I am happy to say that the test called 'IELTS'. this is the name of the one that my wife is now taking next week.
    Once again you have come up with the trumps on this site
    Thank you all for your great help and maybe in time I too will become a bit of an expert and be able to offer some good help and advice to others who chose to travel the same path as I am doing here now today...
    For there is nothing worst them giving wrong information to someone in need of help.
    With kind regards

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