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  1. #1
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    Hi all

    Does anyone know about this new ruling in regards how much one must have to support his Philippine wifei in order for her to be able to come to the UK?
    I heard through the grapevine it has to be at least £22,000 per year, is this right?

    (Because I'm a dieable person on state pension with pension credit too.
    Will the home office block me from bringing my wife back home to the UK?)

    Cheers I am looking forward to know the facts

  2. #2
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Does anyone know about this new ruling in regards how much one must have to support his Philippine wifei in order for her to be able to come to the UK?
    I heard through the gravine it has to be at least £22,000 per year, is this right?

    (Because I'm a dieable person on state pension with pension credit too.
    Will the home office block me from brining my wife back home to the UK?)

    Cheers I am looking forward to know the facts
    louis if you are getting disability benefits then you are exempt from the new financial rulings


  3. #3
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    HI stevie c

    What you have said here below, is all I needed to know..that is fantastic..

    Thank you very much it has taken a load of my mind.
    louis if you are getting disability benefits then you are exempt from the new financial rulings

  4. #4
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    Is there anywhere in the London area that I can go to get some help and advice with completing this form? I'm not very good with forms..
    Thank you

  5. #5
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    Hi all
    Right I got that good bit of advice from here and thank you very much too.
    Now, about this form that I have to fill in..Is there anywhere in the London area that I can go to get some help and advice with completing this form? I'm not very good with forms..
    Thank you

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    but you still need to show you can support your wife without recourse to public funds, as the 'old rules' will apply

    This new financial requirement, which will apply to a grant of six months’ leave as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner and to the five year route to settlement as a spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner or same sex partner, will replace the existing maintenance requirement for those routes in the Immigration Rules, which under case law14 operates, after housing costs have been deducted, at the equivalent of Income Support levels. That existing requirement will apply where the applicant is exempt from the new financial requirement because their sponsor is in receipt of a specified disability-related benefit or Carer’s Allowance.

  7. #7
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    Hi joebloggs

    Thank you for this information

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    but you still need to show you can support your wife without recourse to public funds, as the 'old rules' will apply

    This new financial requirement, which will apply to a grant of six months’ leave as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner and to the five year route to settlement as a spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner or same sex partner, will replace the existing maintenance requirement for those routes in the Immigration Rules, which under case law14 operates, after housing costs have been deducted, at the equivalent of Income Support levels. That existing requirement will apply where the applicant is exempt from the new financial requirement because their sponsor is in receipt of a specified disability-related benefit or Carer’s Allowance.
    I have been looking into this section that you posted here, but for the life of me I can not find this part. Could you please tell me the chapter and section where I might find these wording? Thank you

  9. #9
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    For a couple with no dependants the minimum gross income needed is £18600

    For those on specific verifiable benefits there are possible exemptions.

    May I suggest you review this thread

    How to apply for a Spouse Visa which may help your understanding.

    As mentioned, even under exemption conditions it is still is required to demonstrate that there will be adequate maintainance to support yourselves without recourse to public funds and without relying on promises of third party support.

    In principle ‘adequate maintainance’ means that after housing costs have been deducted, there must be a level of income available in line with levels of income support.

    Please be aware that the need to comply with the financial requirements will need to be demonstrated at each stage of FLR/ILR application in addition to the Visa Entry.
    With this in mind you should seriously consider how the Government’s welfare reforms may impact you.
    The new reforms include the introduction of Personal Independence Payment from April 2013 and the roll-out of Universal Credit from October 2013.
    In particular, before April 2013 the Government will review the treatment under the financial requirement of disabled people and carers, with a view to ensuring that the basis for and operation of the financial requirement properly reflects the Government’s welfare reforms. Any changes will be announced in due course, but an applicant – sponsored by a person in receipt of a specified disability-related benefit or Carer’s Allowance – who will be exempt from the financial requirement from 9 July 2012 cannot expect that they will necessarily remain exempt from April 2013.

  10. #10
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    For a couple with no dependants the minimum gross income needed is £18600

    For those on specific verifiable benefits there are possible exemptions.

    May I suggest you review this thread How to apply for a Spouse Visa which may help your understanding.

    As mentioned, even under exemption conditions it is still is required to demonstrate that there will be adequate maintainance to support yourselves without recourse to public funds and without relying on promises of third party support.

    In principle ‘adequate maintainance’ means that after housing costs have been deducted, there must be a level of income available in line with levels of income support.

    Please be aware that the need to comply with the financial requirements will need to be demonstrated at each stage of FLR/ILR application in addition to the Visa Entry.
    With this in mind you should seriously consider how the Government’s welfare reforms may impact you.
    The new reforms include the introduction of Personal Independence Payment from April 2013 and the roll-out of Universal Credit from October 2013.
    In particular, before April 2013 the Government will review the treatment under the financial requirement of disabled people and carers, with a view to ensuring that the basis for and operation of the financial requirement properly reflects the Government’s welfare reforms. Any changes will be announced in due course, but an applicant – sponsored by a person in receipt of a specified disability-related benefit or Carer’s Allowance – who will be exempt from the financial requirement from 9 July 2012 cannot expect that they will necessarily remain exempt from April 2013.

  11. #11
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    Hi Terpe
    Thank you for this information too

  12. #12
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    Hi all
    I just got back on Friday 7th September, after 3 fantastic weeks in the Philippines with Olivia and myself
    Boy Ain't it half hot over there too.
    Thank God for air-condition rooms.
    I will go back there again very soon as i plan to marry Olivia when I am next over there. I need some help with filling in these forms in order for Olivia to come to the UK to live with me. I have all my papers for our marriage in order. but I need help with the visa forms, Is there any reliable trust worthy way we can get help with this?
    Thank you in advance..Louis

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi all
    I just got back on Friday 7th September, after 3 fantastic weeks in the Philippines with Olivia and myself
    Boy Ain't it half hot over there too.
    Thank God for air-condition rooms.
    I will go back there again very soon as i plan to marry Olivia when I am next over there. I need some help with filling in these forms in order for Olivia to come to the UK to live with me. I have all my papers for our marriage in order. but I need help with the visa forms, Is there any reliable trust worthy way we can get help with this?
    Thank you in advance..Louis
    The best way would be to engage the services of an Immigration Adviser.
    The OISC (The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner) is responsible for regulating immigration advisers by ensuring they are fit and competent and act in the best interest of their clients.

    Here is their main website
    You can find complete listings of all Immigration Advisers.

    They can cover a range of services from a simple document check to completing your application for you.

  14. #14
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    Thank you Terpe
    What I really meant to ask you,
    My wife to be who lives in the Philippines is the one that needs the most help with this form filling. she lives in Digos City, which is not too far from Davao.
    We need someone out there who can help with the forms..
    How can we find a good trust worthy person out there. I have been to the Philippines and like anywhere else, they have a lot of rip off merchants there too..

  15. #15
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    Hi all...
    At this moment in time I do have a British Passport, this is due to the year of my birth which gives me the right to be a passport holder of the UK
    I heard that if I use my Irish Passport, which I am entitle to do so
    I would be exempt from all charges at the British Embassy in order to get my wife to come and join me...Is there some truth in this?
    If there is? Then I will change my passport for my Irish one
    I have had an Irish Passport in the past.

  16. #16
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    I will just have to stick to the British Embassy's Rules now :-(
    Can anyone please tell me where I might find a check list of all the papers and documents that Oliia and I need in order that Oliia might be granted a Visa?
    A check list that we can tick off as we complete the form with the correct papers and documents? Thank you in advance...Louis

  17. #17
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    It seems that my idea of obtaining an Irish Passport is of no use now?

  18. #18
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    I am going back to the Philippines on the 23rd September 2012
    We hope to get married in her local town, 'Digos City'

    Before I leave the UK
    Please can anyone give me a check list of all the documents I need to take with me?
    Thank you in advance.

    Yes I am on DLA and I can cover Olivia's expenses for 6 months with no hardship to us both as I have a little savings in the bank for a rainy day.

    My plan is to stay in the Philippines and help Olvia to fill in the visa forms. Hopefully she will get this visa and then we can fly back to the UK together?

    So it is very important that I bring the correct documents with me on this trip, because I cannot afford to keep coming back to the UK for any documents that I might need?

  19. #19
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    Hi Louis, lets take one subject at a time.

    1. Did you yet decide which route you will target?
    - Irish Passport and EEA route
    - UK National Immigration Rules - Exemption
    - UK National Immigration Rules - Standard Application based on £18600 income
    - UK National Immigration Rules - Savings above £16000

    2. For your forthcoming wedding
    - Firstly, many congratulations to you both for a happy day and for a wonderful future.
    Documentation needed:-

    Generally, if you can be very slick and well organised with the needed paperwork etc, and your plans work out smoothly with no major delays you should have no problems getting married within a 21 day timeframe.
    If you are in any doubt better organise a 59 day visa

    In principle the documents you need are:-

    Birth certificate - original
    CNI (Certificate of No Impediment to Marry) - The CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.
    Present this document to the British Embassy in the Philippines in order to be issued a Philippine version called a "Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry".
    This certificate is needed for the application of a marriage license.
    You'll need to book an appointment at the Embassy in order to secure this document.

    You also need to obtain your own CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from the Philippines NSO (National Statistics Office) so you better include this timing contingency as well.

    Marriage License - Apply for this in your fiancée's home town at the registry office. (or locality of where marriage will take place)
    You might also be requested to attend the "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Check and ask when you apply for the marriage license

    After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage banns are published

    To apply for the Marriage License you should consider having the following:-

    Your birth certificate
    Your passport
    Your C.N.I.
    Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)

    Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
    Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
    Her postal I.D. Address
    Her cenomar
    Her Parents signed advice form (for under 25 years)
    Her Parents I.D.

  20. #20
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    Hi Terpe. Thank you once again for your great informational help.
    I found out that it is too late to apply for an Irish Passport as the new ruling will come into force on 16th Oct, this will block me from being exampt from the present rules of being an Irish national. So it looks like I will have to carry on with my British Passport instead.

    The list I am looking for,
    Is to for Olvia to show the British Embassy when she makes an applicaton for a spouse visa to come to the UK as my wife.
    This is the list of all the documents that I should bring wth me to show that I can support and give her a home here too.
    As I am on DLA and live in a council house. Also I am on housing benefit too.
    I have just over one week, 23rd September before I fly back to the Philippines again.
    Thank you again..

  21. #21
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    Here is a checklist

    1. Both passports

    2. Visa fees managers check from bdo bank made payable to British embassy

    3. Passport sized photograph of olive

    4. A copy of your passport & all the stamped pages

    5. Rent book tenancy agreement & photos of the rooms in your house with a brief discription of your house

    6. 6 Months bank statements &

    6 months saving statements

    7. A letter of support from you THIS VERY IMPORTANT

    8. Evidence of contact ie letters phone bills yahoo messenger emails Xmas cards birthday cards from the both of you

    9. Both of your birth certificates

    10. Marriage cert from NSO 11. Any other docs that might help your application

    Can anyone add some more extra information to this list of the papers and documents that I might need to take with me before I travel to the Philippines again?

    I will travel on 23rd September 2012
    Thank you

  22. #22
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    Hi Terpe
    Am I right about the loop hole of being an Irish National living here in the UK has been closed or is about to be closed very soon?

  23. #23
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    Hi Louis, I did the same as you (extended trip to be with my lady and then help her complete the application).

    One thing I did used to do was give power of attorney to my I was going to be away for extended periods. Handy for dealing with banks, councils and similar.

    If worse comes to worse you could have copies of documents DHL'd out to you, as long as someone here has access to them. Hopefully that won't be necessary of course, but wise to cover all bases.

    Anyway, I'm sure one of our experts will be along shortly to give you that important list, or at least where it can be located. Good luck.

    Oh, there you are... Terpe to the rescue while I was typing.

  24. #24
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    I'm assuming you already have a certificate of no impediment to marry...from your local Registrar Office here ? (As you have indicated that you are 'single' on your profile).

  25. #25
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    Yes thank you grahamw48
    I've just picked this up from my local registery office only a couple of hours ago

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Yes thank you grahamw48
    I've just picked this up from my local registery office only a couple of hours ago

  27. #27
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi Louis here is a thread Terpe posted a while ago which shows that the loophole has now been closed. Have a read.

  28. #28
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    As I said before
    I just got back from the Phils last Friday 7th Sept 2012
    I have to tell you this.
    When I got there, I went to a hotel.
    I ask him how much it cost to stay the night? He told me 400 ph.
    But around 2 am the F .....ker. call me up and ask for another 400 saying my time is up.

    Then Olive family invited me to go to the beach with them on Saturday. I said ok thank you. Then when I turn up to go there, about 40-50 were there to meet me. I was told that I have to pay for everyone fare to the beach and I had to buy all their foods and drinks. I said to them, no way mate.

    Then the next night I was invited by one of her brothers to join them for dinner, when I got there. He ask me to pay for the meal, no way mate, I am off. Then the next person was one of her sisters in law came around with a hard luck story..would I lend her 2000 ph. I said I did not carry money as I only had a visa card..This went on many times with her family and so called friends I ask Olive about this, and she said it is the custom of the phils to ripped off us white folk al over the land...
    I told her if she don't protect me from these F ....ers I am off out of here. she got the message and began to tell them all to keep away from me..

    I also told her that I have only come to see her and get to know her only..I don't really care or like the country, but I did find a Rose in the phils..This is Olive, she is totally different from the rest of them, she knows what they are like and she don't like it either...

    . I also let it be known that I am not here to marry her family or her friends. you have to make this very clear to them at the very beginning...I am only here to Marry Olive no one else..the rest can go to hell for all I care..

    Another time, we were tying to get a taxi and when one came over to us..he ask Olive for double fare because I am white, Olive bless her soul took very bad to this man and told him who do you think I am? this happen on a few occasion, they insulted Olive by making out because she is with me, then she is a hooker..Everywhere I want people stopped and stared at us. Some even tittered and pointed out to us..Basically these people have no respect for their own people let anyone a while person like me..

    To be fair..I did meet one or two very nice decent folks...they did not ask me for anything at fact they were very kind to me and treated me with great respect which I am accustom too..

    At times I'm in a wheel chair . ,Cathy Pacific is the coupany to be flying with..They treat you like gold..

    One more thing I need to let you all know..Don't ever let them take your visa card away from your sight. Twice they tried to do this me and I had to tell them, no way mate am I going to let that card our of my sight..

  29. #29
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    Hi all
    I am off back to the Philippines 23rd September Sunday fly to Manila.
    This time I go back to get married.
    Does anyone know the latest price of the spouse visa?
    And can anyone tell me the phone number of the VIP service at the British Embassy in Manila too?
    And how to get things done fast track with the papers checking and all?
    Thank you in advance..

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    As I said before
    I just got back from the Phils last Friday 7th Sept 2012
    I have to tell you this.
    When I got there, I went to a hotel.
    I ask him how much it cost to stay the night? He told me 400 ph.
    But around 2 am the F .....ker. call me up and ask for another 400 saying my time is up.

    Then Olive family invited me to go to the beach with them on Saturday. I said ok thank you. Then when I turn up to go there, about 40-50 were there to meet me. I was told that I have to pay for everyone fare to the beach and I had to buy all their foods and drinks. I said to them, no way mate.

    Then the next night I was invited by one of her brothers to join them for dinner, when I got there. He ask me to pay for the meal, no way mate, I am off. Then the next person was one of her sisters in law came around with a hard luck story..would I lend her 2000 ph. I said I did not carry money as I only had a visa card..This went on many times with her family and so called friends I ask Olive about this, and she said it is the custom of the phils to ripped off us white folk al over the land...
    I told her if she don't protect me from these F ....ers I am off out of here. she got the message and began to tell them all to keep away from me..

    I also told her that I have only come to see her and get to know her only..I don't really care or like the country, but I did find a Rose in the phils..This is Olive, she is totally different from the rest of them, she knows what they are like and she don't like it either...

    . I also let it be known that I am not here to marry her family or her friends. you have to make this very clear to them at the very beginning...I am only here to Marry Olive no one else..the rest can go to hell for all I care..

    Another time, we were tying to get a taxi and when one came over to us..he ask Olive for double fare because I am white, Olive bless her soul took very bad to this man and told him who do you think I am? this happen on a few occasion, they insulted Olive by making out because she is with me, then she is a hooker..Everywhere I want people stopped and stared at us. Some even tittered and pointed out to us..Basically these people have no respect for their own people let anyone a while person like me..

    To be fair..I did meet one or two very nice decent folks...they did not ask me for anything at fact they were very kind to me and treated me with great respect which I am accustom too..

    At times I'm in a wheel chair . ,Cathy Pacific is the coupany to be flying with..They treat you like gold..

    One more thing I need to let you all know..Don't ever let them take your visa card away from your sight. Twice they tried to do this me and I had to tell them, no way mate am I going to let that card our of my sight..
    Hi louismc44,

    I am a filipina and married to an english man. I live here in UK for more than two years. I went back to philippines last year with my daughter and my husband for a 20 days holiday, and our taxi fare had double the price and I told them "how did it happened that I have to pay double the amount?" they said because I came from abroad and my husband is foreigner and we got lots of money. I was really piss-off. I hated it. I had fight with the taxi drivers alot. They swear at me and I ignore them. I couldn't believe how stressful it was. All you have to do is try to be calm as much as possible and just ignore those people, which what I did. When I pay them the money and if they won't accept it because they want more, I ended up telling them that "take my payment or else I am leaving and not paying.

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