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Thread: Hi all

  1. #181
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    Hi Terpe

    Just for the record.
    I have been on here for almost 3 years now

    Please, I would like to know if this is possible?
    In all this time, how many Brits on this site have successfully won the visa lottery to get their wife, friends lovers, etc. etc. to come and join them here in the UK?

    And how many that have expressed their frustration and the sad loss of their visa's application's being refused?

    And are they still here with us on this site today?

    Thank you

    Louis & Olivia

  2. #182
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    We don't have any stats on how many are granted and refused. Not all members here tell their cases so we have no idea. But most regulars here who you always see posting have their or their wives' visas granted.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #183
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    Thank you Michael

    She should have took the unclear result and sorted it when she arrived in UK!
    This exactly what we have already decided to do this

    Louis & Olivia

  4. #184
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    Hi Raynaputi
    Thank you for your reply, but off the chuff, how many could you say did have their visa and how many on here did not have their visa granted?

    On another subject..
    We, Olivia and I, sent all of our documents and photos to the Embassy for their valuation upon our visa application.
    When we got our visa, they did not send our originals documents, i.e. my birth certificate and our photos back to us
    I was lead to believe from the beginning that we would get them all back, but why have they kept them and how can we demand them back?

    Thank you with kind regards
    Louis & Olivia

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Raynaputi
    Thank you for your reply, but off the chuff, how many could you say did have their visa and how many on here did not have their visa granted?

    On another subject..
    We, Olivia and I, sent all of our documents and photos to the Embassy for their valuation upon our visa application.
    When we got our visa, they did not send our originals documents, i.e. my birth certificate and our photos back to us
    I was lead to believe from the beginning that we would get them all back, but why have they kept them and how can we demand them back?

    Thank you with kind regards
    Louis & Olivia
    Louis, use the e-mail addresses and contacts already in this thread to contact the Embassy and request your documents back.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    .... but off the chuff, how many could you say did have their visa and how many on here did not have their visa granted?..
    As Rayna suggests, there's just not the stats available. Besides which they really would not have any meaning when presented as one 'lump of data'

    If you have an interest in the refusal rate at the Manila Hub for settlement type visa's submitted from the Philippines alone
    I can tell you it's 10% during 2012/2013
    Between 2008 - 2011 the average annual refusal rate was 8%

    There was a 'bit of a blip' during July 2012 which was likely caused by some folks not having a good understanding of the new immigration rules. The increase in refusal rate is almost certainly due to lack of experience in meeting the new Financial Requirements. It must be stated though that small clarifications/changes/allowances in the rules during the past few months have made a slight improvements in covering more examples of peoples earning differences. (eg Salaried Employment v non-Salaried Employment)
    These days a "zero-hours" contract is getting more common and until the recent changes all but impossible to precisely fit into the UKBA 'Financial Puzzle'

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe

    Just for the record.
    I have been on here for almost 3 years now

    Please, I would like to know if this is possible?
    In all this time, how many Brits on this site have successfully won the visa lottery to get their wife, friends lovers, etc. etc. to come and join them here in the UK?

    And how many that have expressed their frustration and the sad loss of their visa's application's being refused?

    And are they still here with us on this site today?

    Thank you

    Louis & Olivia
    Hi Louis. .I've managed it twice ..2 wives. .without any problems. .although my situation on both occasions were straight luck involved
    Good luck Louis. .it'll come for you both, I'm sure.

  8. #188
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    Louis, use the e-mail addresses and contacts already in this thread to contact the Embassy and request your documents back.
    Hi Terpe...

    Yes that is my point, as it is no use giving us email addresses as you did before.

    I have to tell you, we still have not heard from them yet.
    So what other chances do we have?

    Louis & Olivia

  9. #189
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    So all in all Terpe
    Would you say in about 100 applications
    Only 10 were approved of?
    Thank you
    Louis & Olivia

  10. #190
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    Hi Louis. .I've managed it twice ..2 wives. .without any problems. .although my situation on both occasions were straight luck involved
    Good luck Louis. .it'll come for you both, I'm sure.
    Hi gwapito
    Thank you for your good luck.
    But I am happy to tell you that we do have our visa, as we only got it last Thursday 9th May 2013.

    Louis & Olivia

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    So all in all Terpe
    Would you say in about 100 applications
    Only 10 were approved of?
    Thank you
    Louis & Olivia
    No Louis, it's the opposite.
    In every 100 applications 90 were successful.
    In every 100 applications 10 were initially refused by the ECO's in post.
    Of those 10 refusals 9 were appealed

    How does historical data help you?
    Since that data has been collated there has again been a significant number of changes. Most of which take a much better account of the changing employment & pay conditions.
    Unfortunately doesn't change the gross Income threshold limits though

    I believe that the forthcoming changes will also have impacts, especially to those folks who currently qualify for exemption from the Financial Requirements, but may face challenges in the future.

    Anyway have fun with the data

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe...

    Yes that is my point, as it is no use giving us email addresses as you did before.

    I have to tell you, we still have not heard from them yet.
    So what other chances do we have?

    Louis & Olivia
    I can't do any more than provide the contact details.
    Surely worth a try to contact and get your documents back though ?

    I have to agree the Embassy is terribly slow in communications.

    Well, I make no apologies but, here are the details to 'up-the-game' a little and escalate your valid complaint:-
    (Please try)

    Stephen Lillie - British Ambassador to the Philippines
    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Manila


    Telephone +63 2 858 2200
    Fax (Management) +63 2 858 2237

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe...

    Yes that is my point, as it is no use giving us email addresses as you did before.

    I have to tell you, we still have not heard from them yet.
    So what other chances do we have?

    Louis & Olivia
    I can't do any more than provide the contact details.
    Surely worth a try to contact and get your documents back though ?

    I have to agree the Embassy is terribly slow in communications.

    Well, I make no apologies but, here are the details to 'up-the-game' and little and escalate your valid complaint:-
    (Please try)

    Stephen Lillie - British Ambassador to the Philippines
    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Manila


    Telephone +63 2 858 2200
    Fax (Management) +63 2 858 2237

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi gwapito
    Thank you for your good luck.
    But I am happy to tell you that we do have our visa, as we only got it last Thursday 9th May 2013.

    Louis & Olivia
    Oh! Congratulations! ! So what's the problem? .Why this banging on about data and giving Terpe a hard time be positive and start planning for the future. .
    Btw. ..I've just been reading this thread. .something I should of done before contributing my penneth worth :-D ..You reckon the last year has aged you a decade. .you wait and see what the next few years do to you :-D
    Seriousness to one side, I wish you both a very happy and prosperous life together. ..Congratulations!

  15. #195
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    Hi all
    Olivia got her CFO sticker
    I have to tell you this, Olivia waited outside the CFO offices from 1 am Friday morning, she got there 1st, but soon after, more girls began to line up, hoping to get in when the doors opened at 9 am.
    Can you imagine that?
    8 hours from the middle of the night waiting all that time and it was raining very heavy with no shelter to duck under.
    Then she had to wait all day long before the seminars were finished. No food or drinks in all that time.
    These bar-stewards who run these office's know what is going on and they don't give a toss about those poor girls waiting in the cold and rain all night long.
    It is barbaric, that's what it is
    I know some of you on here are going to say, 'Ah well at least she got her CFO certificate, so what's the problem Louis?'

  16. #196
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    I wish you both a very happy and prosperous life together. ..Congratulations!
    Hi gWaPito
    Thank you

  17. #197
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    Hi Terpe

    A question to ask of you

    As my wife Olivia has just got her CFO sticker and certificate ok

    But I am worried about one little details on this

    The staff at the CFO put our married name on her certificate and sticker on her passport..

    Olivia applied for her passport in her maiden name..

    Is this normal or do we have something to be worried and concerned about?

    I know how strict the customs official's can be in the Philippines
    Especially at the airports
    Will this stop her leaving the Philippines?

    Thank you
    with kind regards
    Louis & Olivia..

  18. #198
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    I can't see any problems as she has an audit paper trail via the marriage certificate.

    However, I prefer that someone who has first had experience of exiting Philippines that way will make some comment.

  19. #199
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    Thank you Terpe
    We've already booked the ticket and should be here on the 4th June touch wood all being well and good.
    Louis & Olivia

  20. #200
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Have a good flight Louis, good luck for the future!

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Thank you Terpe
    We've already booked the ticket and should be here on the 4th June touch wood all being well and good.
    Louis & Olivia

    Louis, do some searches here for threads about what documents to bring in hand-luggage.
    Also did you pay for the ticket with your Debit/Credit card? then it would be an idea to phone the carrier to see if they can validate or if Olivia needs to have a photocopy of the card (front and back) as validation at check-in.

    Probably some other stuff too.

  22. #202
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    Hi Terpe
    Sorry what do you mean by carrier?
    Yes I paid for it and I have it confirmed by the travel agents too
    What card are you on about Terpe?
    Oh by the way they did not send all my original documents back to me
    I have phoned, a few times and written many emails and nobody has bothered to reply or answer the phone at the visa office.

    From reading other's who have travelled along this road before me, it looks like they too did not have any satisfaction of a reply from the visa office either.
    So what are we to do about this?

    Thank you

  23. #203
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    Hi all

    Can anyone help me here?

    Olivia has her visa and we booked a flight for her to come here by the 3rd June

    Olivia has her visa, her CFO sticker, her passport, her marriage certificate, And her valid ticket here to the UK

    What other documents does Olivia need to bring and show to the immigration's officer here in the UK?

    Thank you
    Louis & Olivia

  24. #204
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    Thank you Michael
    Have a good flight Louis, good luck for the future!
    Regards from us both

  25. #205
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    How many rings of fire are they going to make us jump through before they let us in? and how many more times are we going to have to bang our heads upon this brick wall?

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe
    Sorry what do you mean by carrier?
    The airline

    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Yes I paid for it and I have it confirmed by the travel agents too
    What card are you on about Terpe?
    Credit Card/Debit card

    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Oh by the way they did not send all my original documents back to me
    I have phoned, a few times and written many emails and nobody has bothered to reply or answer the phone at the visa office.

    From reading other's who have travelled along this road before me, it looks like they too did not have any satisfaction of a reply from the visa office either.
    So what are we to do about this?
    Continue to 'bombard' the British Embassy (for the attention of the Ambassador) demanding your treasured and important documents be returned,
    You must already know by now just how slow the wheels of Government Agencies grind.
    Keep the pressure on. E-mail Theresa May, David Cameron, your MP etc
    Keep being a pain until something moves. Involve the media, your local newpaper etc.

  27. #207
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    Hi Terpe

    I have look around on the UKBA sites and I can see no reference that I have to show or make a copy of my payments for Olivia ticket
    If you or anyone else on here can point out to me where it says that I must do this?
    I mean, if I really have to do this?
    I will do it then

    This may seem a silly question to ask you
    But what business is it anyone else who paid the ticket
    Oh by the way, I paid for it with my visa/debit card.
    Surely. every one knows that you can not give your card number away to show anyone.
    I paid online with my visa/debit care for the visa application appointment

    Do you know if anyone else on here had to do this?
    Thank you
    Louis & Olivia

  28. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe

    I have look around on the UKBA sites and I can see no reference that I have to show or make a copy of my payments for Olivia ticket
    If you or anyone else on here can point out to me where it says that I must do this?
    I mean, if I really have to do this?
    I will do it then

    This may seem a silly question to ask you
    But what business is it anyone else who paid the ticket
    Oh by the way, I paid for it with my visa/debit card.
    Surely. every one knows that you can not give your card number away to show anyone.
    I paid online with my visa/debit care for the visa application appointment

    Do you know if anyone else on here had to do this?
    Thank you
    Louis & Olivia
    Hi Louis. .I feel for you mate. .the Philippines is like the hotel California, 'you can check out any time but you can never leave' another comparison is likened to an open prison. .all milling around earning peanuts, just like in prison. Yes, the Philippine governments have done there people proud, I heap shame upon them. ..anyway, that's my slanted view

    Back to the flight ticket. .my wife didn't need copies of my credit card neither did mother in law when she came over in March just gone.

    Your good lady wife waiting all that time in the dark and rain without food and water is terrible! ...honestly Louis, it doesn't surprise me. .it's the way of life. .apathy set in years ago. .at least you got your lady out and can now put it all behind you. .June 4 will come soon enough. ..With a bit of luck, summer may have arrived by then

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe

    I have look around on the UKBA sites and I can see no reference that I have to show or make a copy of my payments for Olivia ticket
    If you or anyone else on here can point out to me where it says that I must do this?
    I mean, if I really have to do this?
    I will do it then

    This may seem a silly question to ask you
    But what business is it anyone else who paid the ticket
    Oh by the way, I paid for it with my visa/debit card.
    Surely. every one knows that you can not give your card number away to show anyone.
    I paid online with my visa/debit care for the visa application appointment

    Do you know if anyone else on here had to do this?
    Thank you
    Louis & Olivia
    Hi Louis,

    I believe it is not a requirement by the UKBA or Airport Custom but by the airline especially if the person who bought the ticket is not flying. Not often they check when purchased by person travelling. It is normally stated on airline's website or emails. In my case last year, below is what was stated in my e-ticket:

    For security reasons, the following are required upon check-in or ticket reissuance,
    failure to produce these documents may result in denied boarding:
    1. Photocopy or actual credit card used for the online purchase(s).

    2. Photocopy or original photo ID of the credit card holder.

    My husband sent me a scanned copy of the two mentioned documents. I was fully aware to keep it safe and secured. Good thing I had it with me because the lady asked for it when I checked in. And of course, it was returned to me immediately.

    Congratulations to you and your wife! Best wishes on your life together here in UK.
    Last edited by filbrit; 22nd May 2013 at 07:59. Reason: indention

  30. #210
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    Good advice, and as only photocopies/scanned are required...easy to comply with.

    I'll give you rep for that.

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