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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    For a couple with no dependants the minimum gross income needed is £18600

    For those on specific verifiable benefits there are possible exemptions.

    May I suggest you review this thread How to apply for a Spouse Visa which may help your understanding.

    As mentioned, even under exemption conditions it is still is required to demonstrate that there will be adequate maintainance to support yourselves without recourse to public funds and without relying on promises of third party support.

    In principle ‘adequate maintainance’ means that after housing costs have been deducted, there must be a level of income available in line with levels of income support.

    Please be aware that the need to comply with the financial requirements will need to be demonstrated at each stage of FLR/ILR application in addition to the Visa Entry.
    With this in mind you should seriously consider how the Government’s welfare reforms may impact you.
    The new reforms include the introduction of Personal Independence Payment from April 2013 and the roll-out of Universal Credit from October 2013.
    In particular, before April 2013 the Government will review the treatment under the financial requirement of disabled people and carers, with a view to ensuring that the basis for and operation of the financial requirement properly reflects the Government’s welfare reforms. Any changes will be announced in due course, but an applicant – sponsored by a person in receipt of a specified disability-related benefit or Carer’s Allowance – who will be exempt from the financial requirement from 9 July 2012 cannot expect that they will necessarily remain exempt from April 2013.

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Hi Terpe
    Thank you for this information too

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Hi all
    I just got back on Friday 7th September, after 3 fantastic weeks in the Philippines with Olivia and myself
    Boy Ain't it half hot over there too.
    Thank God for air-condition rooms.
    I will go back there again very soon as i plan to marry Olivia when I am next over there. I need some help with filling in these forms in order for Olivia to come to the UK to live with me. I have all my papers for our marriage in order. but I need help with the visa forms, Is there any reliable trust worthy way we can get help with this?
    Thank you in advance..Louis

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi all
    I just got back on Friday 7th September, after 3 fantastic weeks in the Philippines with Olivia and myself
    Boy Ain't it half hot over there too.
    Thank God for air-condition rooms.
    I will go back there again very soon as i plan to marry Olivia when I am next over there. I need some help with filling in these forms in order for Olivia to come to the UK to live with me. I have all my papers for our marriage in order. but I need help with the visa forms, Is there any reliable trust worthy way we can get help with this?
    Thank you in advance..Louis
    The best way would be to engage the services of an Immigration Adviser.
    The OISC (The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner) is responsible for regulating immigration advisers by ensuring they are fit and competent and act in the best interest of their clients.

    Here is their main website
    You can find complete listings of all Immigration Advisers.

    They can cover a range of services from a simple document check to completing your application for you.

  5. #5
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    Thank you Terpe
    What I really meant to ask you,
    My wife to be who lives in the Philippines is the one that needs the most help with this form filling. she lives in Digos City, which is not too far from Davao.
    We need someone out there who can help with the forms..
    How can we find a good trust worthy person out there. I have been to the Philippines and like anywhere else, they have a lot of rip off merchants there too..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Thank you Terpe
    What I really meant to ask you,
    My wife to be who lives in the Philippines is the one that needs the most help with this form filling. she lives in Digos City, which is not too far from Davao.
    We need someone out there who can help with the forms..
    How can we find a good trust worthy person out there. I have been to the Philippines and like anywhere else, they have a lot of rip off merchants there too..
    Sorry, I though you said this

    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    ..Is there anywhere in the London area that I can go to get some help and advice with completing this form? I'm not very good with forms..
    Thank you
    Anyway, no matter. The advisors here in London can still help. They do it all the time.

    I'm sorry but I can't help you with reliable and qualified advisors in the Philippines.
    I'll just wish you luck and say be very wary. It seems you may need some specialist help.
    Remember that the majority of evidence is Sponsor-based. That means you'll be providing most of it. Just consider logistics, time differences and communication issues before making a final decision.

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Thank you very much Terpe..
    Your information is very valueble to me..
    With warm regards..

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