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  1. #1
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    Hi all
    Many thank you's for the great support you gave me while I was in the Philippines...
    We took the our marriage certificate to the N.S.O office in Manila, only to be told by the staff there that it had not been fully endorsed by the registry office in Digos City. Thankfully Olivia called her sister in Digos to get another one sent to us by L.B.C to Manila.
    And it came the very next day.

    When we showed them the fully endorsed certificate, they then told us that they will not give it back to us until 20th Nov.

    I am now back in the UK as I had a very serious problem with my left eye. Thank God I got back in time to save it from any further damage...I'm not knocking the medical profession in the Philippine.

    I am now on treatment, which I am afraid to say, I feel that i would have never got the quality like this back in the Philippines and the nearest eye clinic to suit my needs was a flight away by plane, in Cebu, Anyway, Moorefield's eye hospital is of world class and it has all my records there too.

    Please does anyone know the official British Embassy in the Philippines check list? We need to know this before we fill in our visa application form..
    The trouble is as far as I know it is only available at the end of the form filling online..
    I would like to know what it is now before we complete this form..
    Can anyone help us on this?

    Thank you with kind regards to all
    From Olivia and Louis

  2. #2
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    Please does anyone know the official British Embassy in the Philippines check list?

    Please does anyone know the official British Embassy in the Philippines check list? We need to know this before we fill in our visa application form..
    The trouble is as far as I know it is only available at the end of the form filling online..
    I would like to know what it is now before we complete this form..
    Can anyone help us on this?

    Thank you with kind regards to all
    From Olivia and Louis

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Please does anyone know the official British Embassy in the Philippines check list? We need to know this before we fill in our visa application form..
    The trouble is as far as I know it is only available at the end of the form filling online..
    I would like to know what it is now before we complete this form..
    Can anyone help us on this?

    Thank you with kind regards to all
    From Olivia and Louis
    Sorry Louis, I missed your previous post somehow.

    I stand to be corrected, but as far as I am aware there is no official checklist.
    The documents you MUST supply are clearly indicated by UKBA and are dependent upon your circumstances at application.

    If feel you need any specific guidance on immigration rules and requirements just shout out.
    All of us here are more than willing to help your success.

  4. #4
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    Hello Terpe
    Thank you very much for your supprt and great help..
    this is my point I don't know what, where or how to find

    "The documents you MUST supply are clearly indicated by UKBA and are dependent upon your circumstances at application." on which page do I find this?
    With warm regards from us both Louis & Olivia..

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hello Terpe
    Thank you very much for your supprt and great help..
    this is my point I don't know what, where or how to find

    "The documents you MUST supply are clearly indicated by UKBA and are dependent upon your circumstances at application." on which page do I find this?
    With warm regards from us both Louis & Olivia..
    I'm not ignoring your post. Been real busy today and just leaving now for our local bonfire night display and party.

    In the meantime try to review these links and note down the documents each of them they say you need.

    All New Guide - How to apply for a Spouse/Partner Visa

    and here

    Documents required

    Take a look at the application form here

    The Financial Requirement Appendix form here

    and the

    Supporting Documents Guidance here

  6. #6
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    Hi Terpe
    Thank you for this very valuable information

    Now I looked at the financial side of this too.
    I am registered disable with DLA payments with carers’ allowances as well.
    I have some savings and also able to show that I can support my wife on my income without her ever needing to approach any extra from our welfare system here in the UK.

    I also have my housing allowances and council tax allowances..
    From my income I can fully support us both in a fairly decent manner; we will not want for food, shelter or to worry too much about paying our bills, emery and other household bills too, still have a reasonable quality of life style.

    Which will allows us to short holiday or two each year, God willing?

    And we will also still have a little of some money left over to save for a rainy day.

    It took me 3 years to make up my mind and find the courage to take the plunge to catch a flight over to a country that I did not feel sure about and I went over twice this year to visit Olivia and I realise that I also love and care for her very much as she has shown me that she feels totally the same way towards me too.

    On that second trip we were married at the local registry office in Digos City Hall.

    Both of us have never been married before.
    Olivia is 45 and I am 67;
    If it pleases God?
    Then I will be 68 in December of this year 2012?

    Can they refuse her the visa upon these grounds, especially as I do need her help and support too?
    I think I once read some time ago about a similar case such as mine?
    And this I think was taken to an appeal was successful in its outcome.

    Thank you with warm regards from us both Louis & Olivia

  7. #7
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    Hi Terpe
    Sorry to bother you agsin but

    Could you please point me to the online application form of the APPENDIX 2 (VAF 4A NOVEMBER 2012)

    At the moment I can only find the off lne print out form. We need the online one to complete our visa application

    Thank you. Regards from us both, Louis & Olivia

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