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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Marikina City
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    ....From my income I can fully support us both....

    With your DLA you will be exempted from the Financial Requirement income thresholds

    To evidence your exemption you must provide the following documents for your wife's application:-

    - Official documentation from HMRC confirming the entitlement and the amount received.

    - At least one bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into your named account.

    Your exemption means that you'll need to provide documentary evidence that you can provide adequate maintainance and and accommodation without recourse to public funds, and without relying on promises of third party support

    Simply put in plain English, this means clearly evidencing that, after housing costs have been deducted, there's available to the family the level of gross income that would be available to them if the family was in receipt of income support.

    The current (2012/2013) income support level for a couple is £111.45 ( I'm assuming that you not receiving ESA )

    Just be sure that you take account of any benefits/payments/discounts etc that you will no longer be entitled if you are no longer living alone.
    (eg Your council tax single discount will be lost)
    Also that you are very careful about any increased benefits/payments/discounts you may be entitled to because you are living together as a couple.

    Remember no recourse to public funds, and no additional public funds solely on the basis of your wife being with you.

    ....Can they refuse her the visa upon these grounds, especially as I do need her help and support too?....
    Louis, personally I would just keep the application as straightforward as possible.

    You should try to minimise the risk of any additional scrutiny around the genuineness of relationship.
    The UKBA could decide to take negative issue on this subject and it's within the realms of possibility to refuse if they consider the marriage to be a sham in any way

    May I ask, does Olivia have any professional connection or qualification either with nursing or as a carer?

    No offence intended Louis, just trying to cover all bases.

    If you have a specific need to divulge anything to UKBA about this aspect, may I suggest you would be well professional guidance with the application as it would no longer be 'straightforward'

    Immigration law has plenty of twists and turns and it's just too serious and costly to make mistakes.

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
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    Hi Terpe
    Well I have read deep into what you just wrote here and I have to say I totally agreed with everything you have written.
    Thank God I have seen the light in time.

    That was close I almost made a complete cock up here with the application form.

    Right it is back to the drawing board for us now.
    I also realised that I have far too much information to show them. I lke that idea, 'just keep it simple'
    With regards from us both
    Louis & Olivia

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    congratulations on your marriage Louis--well done mate.

    i'm keenly interested in your ongoing story--do keep us posted.

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    Thank you bigmac
    Its a lot of hard work, but I get some good help on here..

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    Hi all
    I hope you are doing ok?
    I've been kind of quiet on this site these couple of weeks

    Soon Olivia and I are going to have to get started on the spouse visa

    We should get our marriage certificate back to us by the middle of next week, hopefully they will keep their word and send it to us on time...

    I am bit nervous about the visa form as I find it way out of my depth at the best of time upon after looking at it.

    Still we have got to do this as it is the only chance that Olivia and myself can have if we are to live as a real married couple if we are granted this?

    We are going to try and fill this form by ourselves.

    We have had a lot of great help and support from all of you on this site and we can not thank you enough for this, but if we can get any more help from anyone on here who has already trodden down this road ahead of us?
    We would be eternally grateful to you

    Thank you once again.
    Louis & Olivia

  6. #6
    Respected Member
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    Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
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    Hi Terpe

    A question please

    Looking at the visa web site for visa applications and so on.

    Could you please tell me where the VIP lounge service is held at?

    Is it in the same building complex as to where the is at

    British Embassy,

    Makati City, Manila, Philippines ?

    My wife is asking me this question too.
    Thank you

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