Thank you Terpe
I don't mind telling you all
These last past year must have taken 10 years off my life with all the stress and worry about it all
Even now the problems with the CFO offices in Manila and Cebu
One can not make appointment
It is on the first come first served basics
What a way to run a official office.
Surely Davao warrants a CFO office of their own?
Why aren't there more CFO offices scatted around the Philippines Island? Only 2 CFO out of 7000 Island's
It is a scandal that's what it is.
The CFO in Cebu is only open 1 day a week with only 12 persons allowed into one class.
The other one in Manila is only opened from 12 to 5 PM Mon-Fri, with only 15 persons allowed.
Each of these places cost a fortune to fly to and stay in a hotel per night and God help you if you don't get a place in the line on your first day, you have to come back the next day and the next day until you might be lucky to find that you can get it to the CFO? Its all pot luck What a way to run a show, it is like going into a betting shop, hoping that you have backed a winner and you know how often the bookies win. This is what you are dealing with over there.
Louis & Olivia