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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
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    Hi all
    Can you believe this?
    Olivia goes to get her X-ray, she pays
    Told to come back the next day
    So next day she goes there....
    They tell her she must pay more, because 1st X-ray is not clear
    This time They tell, she must now pay 5 times more
    I tell Olivia to tell them to stuff it.
    They are having a laugh
    Only it ain't funny ha ha

  2. #2
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi all
    Can you believe this?
    Olivia goes to get her X-ray, she pays
    Told to come back the next day
    So next day she goes there....
    They tell her she must pay more, because 1st X-ray is not clear
    This time They tell, she must now pay 5 times more
    I tell Olivia to tell them to stuff it.
    They are having a laugh
    Only it ain't funny ha ha
    No i do not believe that. Why would she have to pay 5 times more for another x ray?

    Michael gave you some good advice.

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    No i do not believe that. Why would she have to pay 5 times more for another x ray?

    Once they know you are not from the Philippines.
    and you have a wife from there too,
    they always charge you more than double
    I know because I have spent almost 3 months in the Philippines and have seen it and experiences it personally too.

    Take a look at who won the local elections in Manila
    Can you believe this?

    They all have either very short memories or they just don't care and like this way?

    When will the Philippines wake up to the fact that their politician are shafting them well and truly?

    How can you tell when a Politian is about to tell you a lie?

    You know what I said about the bookies.

  4. #4
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    Hi Terpe

    Just for the record.
    I have been on here for almost 3 years now

    Please, I would like to know if this is possible?
    In all this time, how many Brits on this site have successfully won the visa lottery to get their wife, friends lovers, etc. etc. to come and join them here in the UK?

    And how many that have expressed their frustration and the sad loss of their visa's application's being refused?

    And are they still here with us on this site today?

    Thank you

    Louis & Olivia

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi Terpe

    Just for the record.
    I have been on here for almost 3 years now

    Please, I would like to know if this is possible?
    In all this time, how many Brits on this site have successfully won the visa lottery to get their wife, friends lovers, etc. etc. to come and join them here in the UK?

    And how many that have expressed their frustration and the sad loss of their visa's application's being refused?

    And are they still here with us on this site today?

    Thank you

    Louis & Olivia
    Hi Louis. .I've managed it twice ..2 wives. .without any problems. .although my situation on both occasions were straight luck involved
    Good luck Louis. .it'll come for you both, I'm sure.

  6. #6
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    Hi Louis. .I've managed it twice ..2 wives. .without any problems. .although my situation on both occasions were straight luck involved
    Good luck Louis. .it'll come for you both, I'm sure.
    Hi gwapito
    Thank you for your good luck.
    But I am happy to tell you that we do have our visa, as we only got it last Thursday 9th May 2013.

    Louis & Olivia

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
    Hi gwapito
    Thank you for your good luck.
    But I am happy to tell you that we do have our visa, as we only got it last Thursday 9th May 2013.

    Louis & Olivia
    Oh! Congratulations! ! So what's the problem? .Why this banging on about data and giving Terpe a hard time be positive and start planning for the future. .
    Btw. ..I've just been reading this thread. .something I should of done before contributing my penneth worth :-D ..You reckon the last year has aged you a decade. .you wait and see what the next few years do to you :-D
    Seriousness to one side, I wish you both a very happy and prosperous life together. ..Congratulations!

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