Quote Originally Posted by louismc44 View Post
So all in all Terpe
Would you say in about 100 applications
Only 10 were approved of?
Thank you
Louis & Olivia
No Louis, it's the opposite.
In every 100 applications 90 were successful.
In every 100 applications 10 were initially refused by the ECO's in post.
Of those 10 refusals 9 were appealed

How does historical data help you?
Since that data has been collated there has again been a significant number of changes. Most of which take a much better account of the changing employment & pay conditions.
Unfortunately doesn't change the gross Income threshold limits though

I believe that the forthcoming changes will also have impacts, especially to those folks who currently qualify for exemption from the Financial Requirements, but may face challenges in the future.

Anyway have fun with the data