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  1. #1
    Trusted Member
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    Jul 2005
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    Good advice, and as only photocopies/scanned are required...easy to comply with.

    I'll give you rep for that.

  2. #2
    Respected Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey
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    I don't know why people from the Philippines get so patriotic about it?
    The two times I have been there

    Two hours power cut every day, and sometimes in the evenings too.

    We talk over the internet in yahoo messenger, if we are lucky? We might go about 5 minutes before we are cut off again and again.

    Scorching heat all day long, in the mid 90's
    and not much cooler in the nights, around the 80's

    The rain, that is another thing, it don't rain like it does here.
    It comes down like sheets, flooding everywhere and if your plumbing is not working properly, then God help you, because no one else can.

    Yes you have to be either tough or stupid to live and survive over there, believe me it helps.

    I thought it was an absolutes hell-hole and that is putting it mildly, and I was so glad to get out of it.

    It reminds me of that song, 'There Is A Rose In Spanish Haarlem'?
    That is exactly how I see, and feel about Olivia
    I want to take that rose out of there and watch her grow over here in our UK gardens.

    Of course, the UK is not perfect, we have a lot of problems over here, but least I feel we do have a chance to make our lives a little bit better then those poor so and so over there have.

    We speak over the phone a lot.
    One bit of good news for all those who call the Philippines 'Virgin Media allow me to call up to 250 minutes per month with an extra £5 added to my bill.

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