New measures have been announced by the UK Home Office – to replace airport-based screening ( where it exists ) with a pre – entry screening programme. They WILL apply to the Philippines, but have not yet been implemented. This means migrants wanting to enter the UK for more than 6 months will – in the future - need to be screened before they are granted a visa. The UK government claims this will save the taxpayer, by not screening here and also requiring treatment – if needed - in the country of origin.
Pre – entry screening usually applies to active lung TB, since it poses the greatest risk of infecting others. It’s already been piloted in several countries ( not the Philippines ). The intention is to “ roll out “ screening to countries such as the Philippines over the next 18 months. Public health action at airports to protect against people with infectious TB will remain.
Screening for TB may include – in addition to a chest X Ray – a Mantoux skin test, a blood test ( IGRA or interferon gamma release assay ), sputum ( spit ) sample if you have a cough, and other clinical tests depending on symptoms. A new test ( Xpert MTB/RIF ) shows promise. The ( future ) cost - effectively added to that of the visa – will depend on where, and what, tests are available and treatment needed.

Until the pre-entry screening programme is introduced, just bring your medical record(s) including list of vaccinations and any X Rays you may have. Even if they’re not required when entering the UK, they will be useful when registering with a doctor ( GP ) here.
Much more information is available about TB on this thread ( ).