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Thread: UK Passport or not

  1. #1
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    I know this is probably a longshot, but ,as i'm still planning the fiancee/ spouse visa route for next year (no fixed date yet), has anyone had any dealings, or know of anyone who has ever tried entry to the UK through Ireland (south that is with an irish passport instead of a UK one). I actually hold two passports, like a lot of folk here, Irish and UK, and rumour has it that the Irish Immigration is a bit less strict, especially if you dont actually intend to live in the South they dont really care. I know you're mostly from the mainland here, but I see a few new irish posts over the last weeks, so may be an advantage to them if anyone knows anything.
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  2. #2
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    oops sorry, meant to post this in the visa section.
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by Irelandken@Nov 24 2005, 06:41 PM
    I know this is probably a longshot, but ,as i'm still planning the fiancee/ spouse visa route for next year (no fixed date yet), has anyone had any dealings, or know of anyone who has ever tried entry to the UK through Ireland (south that is with an irish passport instead of a UK one). I actually hold two passports, like a lot of folk here, Irish and UK, and rumour has it that the Irish Immigration is a bit less strict, especially if you dont actually intend to live in the South they dont really care. I know you're mostly from the mainland here, but I see a few new irish posts over the last weeks, so may be an advantage to them if anyone knows anything.
    It's not the immigration at the border you have to worry about, as without the relevent visa your asawa won't even be let on the plane in Manila.
    Either you have a visa, or you don't. Immigration in Ireland, or pretty much anywhere else in Europe, won't let a Filipino in without a visa even if you did manage to smuggle her to their border.

  4. #4
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    I was thinking more about the application to the irish embassy instead of the Uk in manila. Keeping clear of the UK embassy in manila seems like the main objective from what i see of all your experiences.
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Irelandken@Nov 24 2005, 05:56 PM
    I was thinking more about the application to the irish embassy instead of the Uk in manila. Keeping clear of the UK embassy in manila seems like the main objective from what i see of all your experiences.

    Ken, its my understanding that the Irish Embassy is much better, and immigration into the Republic is a far easier process, having said that once your Filipina loved one is accepted for a visa to the Republic of Ireland, she should have no trouble crossing into Northern Ireland on the basis of being in the EEC.

    However Im not an expert in that area, and dont know Irish Government Immigration policy, perhaps you need to speak to someone who is familiar with the policies of the Irish Government.

    Best of luck


  6. #6
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    [quote=ginapeterb,Nov 24 2005, 07:28 PM]
    Ken, its my understanding that the Irish Embassy is much better, and immigration into the Republic is a far easier process, having said that once your Filipina loved one is accepted for a visa to the Republic of Ireland, she should have no trouble crossing into Northern Ireland on the basis of being in the EEC.

    thanks pete,
    I'm not sure what everybodies understanding of the south / north ireland seperation is, but just to let you all know, there isn't even a border crossing anymore, you don't know your back into the north until you see the scary price of petrol and the roads actually have tarmac on them... .
    I'm gonna look into the irish visa thing a bit more if i can. I actually got the idea from a lovely filipina lady who runs the Kainan cafe just across the road from where i live.(nice to already have traditional food on my doorstep) It seems that the southern irish embassy dont really worry if they know ur gonna be living in the north, therefore not their problem if it all goes pear shaped
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  7. #7
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    *I actually got the idea from a lovely filipina lady who runs the Kainan cafe just across the road from where i live.(nice to already have traditional food on my doorstep*

    If her name`s May, tell her hello from Pete Dee and the boys in London
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    Winston Churchill

  8. #8
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    afraid not pete, she's called Julie, Married to an irish guy and been living between holland and uk for about the last 19 years. she runs a nice friendly cafe/ grocery store here. I didn't know the cafe existed until a few months ago, now i know why i see so many filipina around this area. It'll give Jing a bit of comfort to know there's somewhere in this country so close to where we live where she can get a little bit of home life.
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

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