Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
I dont think DepEd will remove english from their curriculum , but they want to introduce the ''mother toungue'' at an early stage of child learning which I think is fine and brilliant but what I dont understand is why DepED dropped science in k to 3 students??? science subject can help develop cognitive skills in children
Based on the design of the new curriculum, the learning areas for Grade 1 will be Mother Tongue, Filipino, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, Music, Art, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH), Mathematics, Araling Panlipunan, and English – which will be taught in the second semester and will mainly focus on oral fluency.
It would just make kids in the Philippines behind what it used to be. So while other kids in the world would be advanced by their 3rd grade in Science and Technology subjects, Filipino kids would just be starting to learn things about Science.. not good in my opinion..

Science was my favorite subject when I was in gradeschool...then Math when I started highschool..