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Thread: Leeds Registry Office --- THERE'S MORE THAN SHAM MARRIAGES

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  1. #1
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Leeds Registry Office --- THERE'S MORE THAN SHAM MARRIAGES

    I don't want to destroy further Leeds Registry Office's Reputation, yet I can't help but write a BITTER REVIEW. I have been aware of the "bogus" which happened in Leeds where UKBA have exposed "sham marriages" through Ian (also a forum member). But my case doesn't follow that path. I think, it is "JUST" a matter of a "SMALL INEFFICIENCY" which had costed us (or me -- whoever is stressed) "LOADS OF WORRIES AND STRESS".

    This BITTER REVIEW is all about spending weeks locating where in HELL did they send our LICENSE TO MARRY.

    We had our appointment to give Notice to Marry on the 16th of July. And as they have said during the appointment, they are going to "post" the License to Marry on the 16th day. By "posting" they did not discuss where are they going to post it so we thought, it would be posted to our address. So on the 16th day, we were expecting something inside our mail box but THERE WAS NOTHING but we thought, we'd give a couple of days.

    We received the marriage brochure thing from Lancashire Registry Office (because we are getting married in Lytham) which says we are to collect the LICENSE TO MARRY at Calderdale Registry Office (because we live in Calderdale area).

    I called Calderdale Registry Office first and asked if they have the copy of our License to Marry from Leeds (better than going there straight and get nothing). CRO told me that it wasn't there and wasn't supposed to be there because afterall, they have nothing to do with the wedding because we are getting married outside Calderdale's area.

    So, to be out of the confusion, I phoned Leeds Registry Office asking them if by "15 days, will it include Saturday and Sunday" and the staff said "yes", and since we have given notice to marry on the 16th, it should have been posted. So I asked him "WHERE WILL THE LICENSE TO MARRY BE COLLECTED? IN CALDERDALE REGISTRY OFFICE OR IN LANCASHIRE REGISTRY OFFICE" I told him we are getting married in Lytham already. He said "IN CALDERDALE".

    Expect me to call Calderdale Registry Office again so we can collect the LTM. I had the same answer. It wasn't there and wasn't supposed to be there.

    Yeah, I called Leeds RO again the same day (Monday this week). I told them what CRO told me. And asked them if it is possible to trace where they sent it. The staff didn't know the answer (I don't know why -- will their database not tell them where was it mailed?) so she got my phone number and details and promised to call me when they know the answer to my query.

    Yes, they called me with a very promising answer. Record says, it was sent in Fleetwood and given me the number to call in order to ask/arrange to have someone collect it for us. I thought that was the END...BUT I WAS WRONG.

    I called the number Leeds Registry Office gave me (which turned out to be BLACKPOOL REGISTRY OFFICE -) -- nobody was there to answer so I left my name, phone number, and nature of enquiry and I should expect they will be getting back to me as soon as they can.

    "As soon as they can" wasn't good enough so I called Blackpool Registry Office the next day (because I have been waiting all day-- and there was no return call) and I was able to speak to them. BUT THEY SAID THEY DON'T HAVE IT, CHECKED THEIR FILES, DOUBLE CHECKED. AND SAID IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED IN LYTHAM (I hope you understand -- but I am sick of hearing these words!)

    Blackpool Registry Office, trying to be "helpful" gave me Lytham Registry Office's phone number (which is Lancashire Registry Office's Central Number 0845 -- expect me to spend money on it). I called the number and the operator says nobody was there to take my call. Left my name, phone number again.. and again, expected a call from them THAT DAY.

    I did not receive any return call from Lytham RO so I called them again the next day. And it was the same story.

    Tearful, I told my fiance that "I am not calling any Registry Office anymore because I am afraid I will be shouting to them. So he had to take over.

    He called Leeds Registry Office again, and told them what we have done and how upset I am (wasting my time, and squeezing my brain to speak straight English). The first staff he talked to did not know how to deal with the situation (by the accent, she wasn't English) So SHE CUT HIM OFF THE PHONE. My fiance called again and it was a different staff who took the call. Told everything again and again -- but the bottomline WAS --- WE WANT TO KNOW WHERE ARE WE COLLECTING THE LICENSE TO MARRY as WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO FOOL AROUND CALLING DIFFERENT NUMBERS. The staff said they will be getting back to us as soon as they find out where it is...

    Yes, they called us again.. and GUESS WHAT? THEY ARE TOO CONFIDENT THAT IT WAS SENT IN BLACKPOOL.. Given MY fiance the number (which i already have called)...


    P.S. As I said, I am not doing any call so I e-mailed Lytham Registry Office if they have the License to Marry -- and they are forwarding the enquiry to Lancashire Registry Office. Now, i hope they have it (even Leeds registry Office did not recommend to us to look for it there)

    I hope this fuss will not happen to anyone in the forum because it's dang stressful.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  2. #2
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    Formally complain to the council then Local Govt Ombudsman

  3. #3
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Formally complain to the council then Local Govt Ombudsman
    We're trying to slow things down. We told Leeds RO we are not going to do anything to find it as we are annoyed about the service. They said, they will be doing everything they can to trace where it is and if they won't be able to do that, they will send US a copy of the License to Marry.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  4. #4
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    Wow, what a nightmare, how can something so simple be made so complicated. Why is that government offices, no matter where you are in the world, are always a nightmare.

  5. #5
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Wow, what a nightmare, how can something so simple be made so complicated. Why is that government offices, no matter where you are in the world, are always a nightmare.
    Yes RickyR. it's more than a nightmare to me. I mean, it's stupid bringing my mobile phone and telephone even if I go to the toilet BECAUSE I AM EXPECTING A CALL from them. Hope this will be over soon.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  6. #6
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    I am really sorry to hear they are causing you so much stress, this is not right! I am not surprised they did not call you back when they said they would - because too often these government offices have neither the professional or common decency to keep to their promises.

    I think you have a good reason to make a serious complaint, what they are doing, is just not good enough

  7. #7
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    I am really sorry to hear they are causing you so much stress, this is not right! I am not surprised they did not call you back when they said they would - because too often these government offices have neither the professional or common decency to keep to their promises.

    I think you have a good reason to make a serious complaint, what they are doing, is just not good enough
    We'll surprisingly, it's Blackpool and Lytham Registry Office who doesn't call back even if they promise to. I e-mailed Lytham RO and they did reply to my e-mail but it wasn't much of a help as of the moment because the e-mail said they are going to forward my e-mail to Central Lancashire... Leeds registry Office however, calls us back if they promise to do so, apart from one staff who just cut-off my fiance on the phone. lol

    As I have said, we are giving LRO time to sort everything out.

    Thanks Iani.
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  8. #8
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    Just head over to Lumb Lane in Bradford and somebody there will quickly run you one up.

    I'm assuming that you've given them your address by now AND asked for a copy to be sent out to it asap ?

  9. #9
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Just head over to Lumb Lane in Bradford and somebody there will quickly run you one up.

    I'm assuming that you've given them your address by now AND asked for a copy to be sent out to it asap ?
    Yes, and if they can't trace it, they are to send us a copy (which they said be all right). But then, why didn't they do it sooner? How many times do I need to call them in order for them to take an "action"?

    Probably my voice over the phone was too friendly?
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  10. #10
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    Should have got me or Dedworth to ring them.

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