To be quite frank I find it unbelievable that there are some deluded fools on this forum who wouldn't mind in the slightest if rule playing filth like this were housed next door to them.
A FAMILY of refugees who face .eviction for allegedly trashing their £1.25million taxpayer-funded home had moved from a previous exclusive address after causing trouble, it emerged yesterday.
Palestinian Manal Mahmoud and her seven children face eviction today, after claims of anti-social behaviour and causing damage to the Victorian house, where the £20,000-a-year rent is paid by the state.
The jobless 40-year-old sparked outrage when she claimed she “deserved” to live in the three-bedroomed property in Greswell Street, near the Thames in Fulham, south-west London.
Yesterday, former neighbours claimed the family had made their life a misery when they lived in an almost identical £1.2million house in Anselm Road a mile away.
And I suppose there are some deluded fools on this forum who wouldn't mind in the slightest if rule playing filth like this were housed next door to them.Thats a daft thing to say. You are not being very discerning with your overall wide brush approach.
The funny thing is, I agree with a lot of what you say, I just think you go a bit too far.
Thanks Last – sorry for any misunderstanding my jibes comment wasn’t aimed at you but Lordna’s post #24 where predictably any views questioning the sanity of open door immigration and comical asylum policies are deemed racist.
As I mentioned earlier up the thread the labourites stopped such cheap comments a few years ago and their line now starts "While the Labour Party does agree that immigration must be controlled.............................."
Anyway 'nuff said must get on with some work![]()
same line to me, the line of thetakers, whether it be my unemployed neighbor getting a tan in his front garden while I go and work, or a fake Asylum seeker, Illegal immigrant or over stayer claiming benefits they might not be entitled to
racism is the same as every other prejudice - fat, thin, tall, small, bald, ginger you name it whats the difference ?
oh dearwhatever happened to good old sense of humour
Here is another variant. Same song. Some depicted in the video could easily be Filipinos.
I dont think the author of these videos is bothered about where these people come from or how. They are all tarred, by the author, with the same broad brush, regardless.
I notice that several of these versions of the same song visible in youtube, are linked to the BNP.
like i said i dont think its to do with immigration or asylum seekers, there are white British scroungers to , its just been used by extremist groups as an excuse.
Adopted by extremist groups, you mean? Fair point.
I agree with the message to a degree and of course am peaced off about any scroungers regardless of race, just like you guys. I can understand the anger but feel it should be channeled in the right direction and of course legally. The politicians should be dealing with these issues in the right way. The "collection" of videos are also a little inflammatory and potentially counter productive......
The trouble is Arthur the polititions do not live in the real world. Lets face it if you were a millionaire living in a rural part of the country would you be interested in what is going on? I have said it before until it comes knocking on their doorstep (and it will) they wont do much about it.![]()
... maybe the whole point of circulating *videos like these is in order that - sooner or later (preferably the former!) *they'll [hopefully] fall into the hands of shortsighted politicians whose blinkered approach to immigration issues in the past has been responsible for creating the mess this tiny island of ours now finds itself and, in turn (again, hopefully - though I wouldn't want to try holding my breath!) spur 'em on
to "stemming the flow" of the wrong kind of immigrant before it's too late for the 'tide' to recede.
... Mick has posted this collection of videos in the 'Humour Section' where he intended it to be - and WHERE it belongs! Sometimes we really have to laugh. Otherwise - given the state of the nation - we'd end up in tears!!
Bring back Enoch!Oh ... and Alf Garnett!
Sir Alf Garnett....
"The character's name has become a standard description of anyone ranting at the world in general, and has even found its way into politics, Oswald Mosley dismissing Enoch Powell after his Rivers of Blood speech as "a Middle Class Alf Garnett", former Prime Minister Harold Wilson also criticising Powell for making Alf Garnett 'politically articulate' and conferring upon him 'a degree of political respectability' Denis Healey accusing Margaret Thatcher of possessing "the diplomacy of Alf Garnett"and more recently has been used in criticism of politicians such as Ken Livingstoneand John Reid. On 9 June 2010 during Prime Minister's questions David Cameron referred to Ed Balls as "the new Alf Garnett of British politics" following his comments on immigration."
Nice to see the 'Appy 'Ammers back where they belong. BTW
More good immigration related satire?
Excellent Garnett stuff LastI laughed my socks off - there would be criminal charges brought if that was braodcast today - c**n & p**i words used, choc ice is now on the banned list
Oh and will be nice to see the 'Appy 'Ammers bang a few past PetrCech too.....
Brought to us by the late Johhny Speight, from Canning Town, West Ham....
Curry and Chips / Till Death Us Do Part etc
"In 1965, Speight wrote a BBC TV pilot which became the 1966 series Till Death Us Do Part featuring Warren Mitchell as Alf Garnett, a reactionary Conservative-voting working class man with a chip on his shoulder and an angry word on everything. Garnett became one of the most memorable characters in British TV history, despite being such an appalling figure. "
"Speight's later series Curry and Chips (1969), was a more controversial sitcom from LWT for the ITV channel, soon cancelled on the instructions of the Independent Broadcasting Authority. Despite the apparent anti-political correctness, Speight's intention—like in Till Death Us Do Part—was to highlight discrimination, not promote it".
I think i am right in saying the Nazis started thier hate campaign against the Jews by first making people believe it was funny to poke fun at their mannerisms etc. what started as humour quickly escalated to a full blown hate campaign of segregation, starvation, persecution and deaths on a massive scale not since (thankfully) repeated.
There is nothing humorous or funny about racism.
Clearly this video and one like it are circulated by the BNP. If forum members find it funny and think politicians need to be aware of its content then maybe they would also like to vote BNP. Personally its the last thing i would want but we live in a democratic society so please go ahead.
For the record i welcome views questioning the sanity of open door immigration and our crazy system for asylum seekers...BUT there is a right way and wrong way to bring about change to this...and Racism isnt the answer however humorous forum members might find it.
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