Hi all,
I can only hope this has not yet been posted about Immigration
Hi all,
I can only hope this has not yet been posted about Immigration
ExcellentSickeningly it is 100% correct
It's a funny video, but I didn't laugh![]()
I didnt laugh either....and thought it was blatantly racist.
Last edited by lordna; 16th August 2012 at 11:53. Reason: spell error
Racistit's a satirical parody of the farcical asylum system we have in this country.
Commenting upon and critiscising immigration and asylum issues ceased to become racist when the Labour Party changed their rule book 3 or so years ago
same line to me, the line of thetakers, whether it be my unemployed neighbor getting a tan in his front garden while I go and work, or a fake Asylum seeker, Illegal immigrant or over stayer claiming benefits they might not be entitled to
racism is the same as every other prejudice - fat, thin, tall, small, bald, ginger you name it whats the difference ?
Superb and very true it should be sent to all the parties.
The trouble is Arthur the polititions do not live in the real world. Lets face it if you were a millionaire living in a rural part of the country would you be interested in what is going on? I have said it before until it comes knocking on their doorstep (and it will) they wont do much about it.![]()
I find it laughable that successive governments have allowed this country to become the destination of choice for some of the most despicable creatures on earth![]()
They can also convey the wrong message. What if it were some people from South East Asia that featured in the video? How would we feel then?
Other than some Vietnamese nail bar operatives/dope growers I can't think of any folks from S E Asia taking advantage of our pathetic "system" so that issue doesn't really come up. As has been discussed many times on here Filipinos are amongst the most industrious and law abiding, best integrated and least sponging groups of migrants in this country.
Where the video was highly inaccurate was showing hordes of veiled women - normally the women and children are abandoned to face the savage regimes the so called "asylum seekers" are fleeing from. Most of these germs are males under 40 years of age.
Sorry if this caused any bother; I posted it because I thought it was funny and showed that those who do nothing get the most out of our government.
I did not look for anything racial in it!
Nick Van Riel...the videos author... he is probably a good pal of Anders Breivik...
BERLIN (Reuters) - "German investigators have linked an unsolved series of murders of eight foreign-born food vendors and shopowners, nicknamed the "doner murders" to a neo-Nazi terrorist cell, the federal prosecutors' office said on Friday.
They also linked the same neo-Nazi group to the killing of a policewoman in Heilbronn in southwest Germany in 2007.
Police searching a burned-out motorhome in the eastern German town of Zwickau found the bodies of two men suspected of having taken part in the Heilbronn attack on two police officers, when the female agent was killed and her male colleague injured.
They also found, in the charred motorhome and a house nearby which had also been set ablaze, the two handguns used in the police woman's murder and the so-called "doner murders" that took place between 2000 and 2006. They also discovered neo-Nazi videos.
Federal Prosecutor Rainer Griesbaum said the deaths of the seven men of Turkish origin and one Greek, who owned or worked at shops all around the country which included doner kebab stands, would now be treated as suspected acts of terrorism.
"There is sufficient evidence to attribute the murders to an extreme right-wing group," said a statement from the Federal Prosecutors' Office."
Nick Van Riel's "educational" website.....
Nick Van Riels website .... on the Norwegian massacre....I wonder to what degree some might concur with Nick Van Riel and what he stands for?
"I express my sincere condolences to the relatives of the people that died in the two terror attacks in Norway.
Anders Behring Breivik, the person who committed these vile attacks was presented by the media to be a conservative Christian and a Freemason.
However this statement raises questions since...
“Freemasonry is in direct conflict with the Bible in that Masonry condones communal worship of a generic deity”
"To respect all forms of worship, to tolerate all political and religious opinions; not to blame, and still less to condemn the religion of others; not to seek to make converts; but to be content if they have the religion of Socrates; a veneration for the Creator, the religion of good works, and grateful acknowledgment of God's blessings." (Morals and Dogma, p.333)
Many people say that Norway lost its innocence after these attacks, but Norway isn't that innocent at all!
It's terrible that these attacks killed so many people, but we have to stay with reality.
By subsidizing these Youth Camps with tax payers money, the Norwegians themselves created the base for growing not so innocent socialistic leaders.
So the youngsters killed in this vile attack weren't that innocent at all.
One day before the attack they were visited by their socialist FM Jonas Gahr Store.
As the FM arrived at Utøya he was met with a demand from the AUF that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state.
“The Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now, said the Foreign Minister to cheers from the audience.”
Earlier last week, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway, the FM said to TV2 News Channel that
"Norway stands ready to recognize a Palestinian state."
This he repeated during the debate on Utøya.
“We are ready to recognize a Palestinian state. I await the actual resolution text Palestinians will promote the UN General Assembly in September, said the Minister.”
With their combined program of holiday fun and classes about politics, I call it indoctrination, the Norwegian socialists managed to transform Norway into a weak country with weak leaders.
As a matter of fact this Youth Camp doesn't differ too much from the former NAZI summer camps.
Adolf Hitler was a socialist and a leftist!
The NAZIs had the same combined programs, with one extra issue; the military drill, but the youngsters on the island were not too far away from it. "
It just crossed my mind that there could be members who's wives are Islamic.....
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